D17A1 Tuning

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New Member
My bad definitly your right I should know this considering I work on honda's everyday. I only have about 5yrs mechanical expirience which includes 2yrs in traning so I still have alot to learn and millions of questions. Right now I have a couple of bolt on's intake, throttle body spacer, and header. And fuel economy is going right down the tubes which is expected to certin extent. But will a piggy back chip that alows you to tune air fuel ratio help to get some, not all but a little more gas Mi back and better performace overall?
Will the VAFC work with a non VTEC.(D17A1) I would think it would but obviously I wouldn't be able to tune VTEC, but would the other functions still work for basic tuning?
Yes. Thats what I have acces to and a great deal from a friend. Thank you.