Distributor Wiring

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Senior Member
ok guys...there may be a thread out there somewhere...but my head is hurting too much to search for it...lol...so...i have the 1994 H22A engine and automatic transmission in the car...the only thing i am lacking is a distributor...the accord distributor was still hooked up...but when a shop i went to tried to hook the p13 up...they didnt correct the wiring at the distributor for the firing sequence...so i think they blew the distributor...soooo...im pretty sure i should go ahead and get the TD-60U Distributor right? or should i try to find the same accord distributor i had in there?

also...i suck at reading wiring diagrams...i took a look at one and was like..."wtf...this is greek to me..."...lol...soooo...can anyone give me advice on how to better read one and know what wire goes where? or can anyone tell me how they wired their distributor up? i dunno...i just need some help to get my car back on the road...any help will be greatly appreciated...thanks in advance!