Do you think its to much?

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This might not be the right forum but since I have an integra i always post here. I recently found out I had a blown head gasket. I looked around and the best price I could find was $831.25 to pull the head, mill it down, the gasket kit, and to put it all back together. What do you guys think? I was going to do it myself but I figured if I did it wrong I am out of a daily driver for even longer. So post back with your thoughts. THANKS:D
well thats what they would charge down here in alabama anyways
lol naa im just a honda god. and i know how it is to be new at all this stuff and knowbody helping me because i was a newbee at this but look at me now 12 years later and im honda royalty lol
sounds right should not need to get the head milled though they dont usually warp
Sweet man. Its nice to hear someone who knows how it was cause there are complete peckerwoods on this site. But thanks anyway, oh holy honda god!!!
Dont make this so complicated. if you have any mechanical ability and a honda manual why not do it yourself? If you have everything, it would take you no more than a few hours. seriously , its not hard. Plus you get the pride and experience of doing it.
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Trust me I would of liked to do it or at least try it myself but my dad didnt want me to do it. I was going to go out and buy a torque wrench and do it myself but my dad wanted the warranty. I hate having other people work on my car because I dont know what all has been done. If I tear it apart I know exactly whats going on. Anyway, after I get out of school I will be building motors all the time. My time is comming.
if you buy a torque wrench dont buy a cheap one as it will be wrong. and they are way easy if you want i can send you the directions
Thats funny, no buddy. Im just saying when I have the money I can build straight dominator motors. Well, as far as a dominator goes according to honda standards.
Thats funny, no buddy. Im just saying when I have the money I can build straight dominator motors. Well, as far as a dominator goes according to honda standards.

NO, now thats funny!!!

just messin with yea. theres more to building motors then just slappin some pistons in a block, throwing a head on and callin it good.

Best advice would be to pay attention and learn everything you can. Best experience, is your OWN experience. Good luck with the builds:)
Thanks, Im going to school for honda early next year.

lucky i was going to go to honda school back when i was 21 they gave the paper work to fill out and everything then when i was all ready to go they told me my driving record wasent good enough then they sent some other guy uggh i wasd pissed
oh yea i raised hell with them because i didnt understand what my driving record had to do with me going to tech school
They were probably like, "this guys gonna take our cars out and reck them or drive them off a lift",. Dont get me wrong what they did is fucked up so fuck them and now you probably know more then some honda techs. Street knowledge is the shit. I bet you though, they know how to fix it to factory, you know how to make it work.