Does it really need a warning label?

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Some idiot parents failed to teach their kid to respect and not touch other peoples' property, and the kid touched the muffler, burned his hand, and promptly cried and screamed. His father not to be outdone, decided to come into the store, and look for someone who might be riding a motorcycle, then scream at them about how it was irresponsible for me to park my bike there (in a parking place). I explained that it didn't seem like it was my problem, it appeared to be a problem with his 9 years of parenting. The idiot still tried to blame me, but I was having none of that.

A couple minutes later, the mother decided to take it upon herself to explain to me the way the world worked, and how children are curious, etc... I listened intently, nodding and giving verbal confirmation that I understood, then explained to her that it's my bike, not her son's, and her son might understand now that he needs to not put his grubby little hands all over someone else's stuff. She started talking about how it needs a warning label on the muffler and it should be that hot to begin with, because it's out in the open like that.... At this point I cut her off.

I explained to her that motorcycles are inherently dangerous. Everything about them is dangerous. I described how everything about what she is trying to explain is flawed by the simple concept that her son did not own it, and if he disrespected it as he did, he probably wouldn't have read the warning label she proposed. I reinforced that the problem wasn't with me, or with anything I own, it's with her offspring's lack of respect; which is a direct result of her lack of proper parenting.

At this point everyone in the store was looking at me, and looking at the child, who obviously wasn't very badly at all, because the mother hadn't put ice or anything on the supposed "burnt flesh". She dropped the argument, after her husband came up behind her and started to pull her away. She followed, along with her child, as everyone in the store watched them leave.

Now the wait for a summons to court, after they decide to sue me.

Kid touches bike's hot muffler (4 hours of riding hot)
Father yells at me
I dismiss
Mother yells at me
Father forces mother to leave
I can't remember being that stupid when I was nine... But I hope im not that stupid when I have kids. Warning labels, is she effin kidding me. Maybe he never touched it at all and they were just fishing for a timid person willing to throw cash at them to shut them up.
Nah, he touched it. I had to clean off the burned sweat/sugar/genetic material off of the muffler when I got home. On the plus side, my muffler is now really shiny.
Lack of good parenting these days.. No wonder the world is the way it is.. If it were my kid i woulda bent him over my knee burnt or not
horrible parenting. if i burned my hand on a muffler when i was a kid, i would have ran to my dad crying, told him that i burned my hand on a motorcycle muffler and he would have said "well you shouldnt have touched it". end of conflict. it really is true that having children gives you a sense of entitlement to be the hall monitor of the world and make everything bubble wrapped and child resistant. i believe in natural selection.
I would have asked her if she would have complained if her son touched my cars exhaust tips that are also very hot. What if he touched the engine? what if he touched the header? what if he touched the brake rotor?

If he didn't touch it in the first place there wouldn't have been an issue, maybe next time he can go into a home goods store, break a plate and cut himself on the broken glass, then maybe the parents could sue the company for bodily harm.
BTW something I've done at work many times and it has worked 100% of the time, when someone does something stupid then threatens to sue you or just starts to flip out on you, tell them ok, let me call the police so we can file a police report, you'll need that if we go to court.

I bet if you said that they would have shut up and walked out with out saying anything else to you. If not, the police would have showed up and asked them why are you wasting our time.
Nothing will ever work, people are stupid. I mean look at zoos. People ignore warning signs, fences and moats. Then the poor polar bear is traumatized by the intrusion and has to eat the dummy in self defence.
I would have gone out and started the bike and said "Hey kid, grab that muffler." When he said no, and said because it burnt him, I would have told the lady "Look! You're the one who should be paying me! I taught the little fucker a valuable lesson!"

In all seriousness though, what the fuck do they want? a fucking sticker on ever edge of ever table saying "watch out, this corner is sharp and you shouldn't fall on it" every floor has to be painted in neon fucking yellow letters "Don't fall on me or else you might get hurt" The parent's should get "Don't use your own judgement, continue being a little disrespectful asshole and you'll do just fine in life" tattooed on their foreheads, because that's the message they're conveying. You burn yourself, you don't fucking do that again. My parents always told me to never touch anything that doesn't belong to me. I listened, and I learned. Fuck today's parents. That little kid is prolly gonna end up grabbing another couple exhausts before he learns his lesson. Hell, if it were my kid, he would know better, and he'd know quite well that he deserved it. If anything you shoulda jumped down that woman's throat and said "Look! He got his nasty ass burnt skin and playdoh all over my tailpipe! He's gonna fucking clean that shit or I'm calling the cops!!!"

I rarely find myself going into rants like this, but for some reason this one really pissed me off... huh...
you should have gotten your hand muddy and wiped it all over their piece of shit mini van. ask them if it's ok to do because you didn't get hurt.
should have told them; instead of asking the rest of the world to put labels on everything that might pose a hazard, they should simply wear "stupid kid" and "bad parent" labels so the world could adjust around them
horrible parenting. if i burned my hand on a muffler when i was a kid, i would have ran to my dad crying, told him that i burned my hand on a motorcycle muffler and he would have said "well you shouldnt have touched it". end of conflict. it really is true that having children gives you a sense of entitlement to be the hall monitor of the world and make everything bubble wrapped and child resistant. i believe in natural selection.
My grandmother took a ride on my uncle's bike, burnt her leg on the exhaust, and called herself an idiot for not being more careful.

When I was little (a lot younger than 9), I touched a hot cookie sheet, and burnt myself. My mother (a good parent in my book) was nearby when I said I burnt my finger on the pan. She laughed and said, "Well I bet you won't do that again, huh?"

And I didn't.

The parents should have smacked the kid for touching something that isn't his and tell him he deserved it.
Just get the warning lable. A giant sticker that says "Keep your god damn fucktarded kids away from my bike"

you should have gotten your hand muddy and wiped it all over their piece of shit mini van. ask them if it's ok to do because you didn't get hurt.

should have told them; instead of asking the rest of the world to put labels on everything that might pose a hazard, they should simply wear "stupid kid" and "bad parent" labels so the world could adjust around them

this thread gets my TOTY vote.

if it would have burned me i would have known it was my fault and kicked the bike over...