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Working Hard
We just had an earthquake like 2 minutes ago. wasn't big but i'll keep you guys posted just incase it was bigger in other parts of the state...

Big one in Cali... here we go :ph34r: :o :( lol
i felt nothing and i'm pretty close to you

on that note though.. looks like i need to get earthquake insurance
Called my mom at work. They felt it much more than I did. She works in Long Beach. About an hour and 15 minutes south of where i'm at right now...

News says it was a 5.6 but I didn't catch where the epicenter was...
yea, no shit.. you'd think i'd have flood insurance too, seeing that the damn dam is about to break in Lake Isabella... one good earthquake would do it i think
Are we even able to get earthquake insurance out here? I hear we can't get natural disaster insurance out here except for shit we'll never see like hurricanes...
ya know, i'm not sure.. i'll look into it and let ya know.. i can see why they wouldnt allow it..
the earthquake must've caused you to doublepost too :D
if it was a 10, L.A would be missing, SF would be on fire, and blanco and eg6 would be hitting a bong under some collapsed bridge somewhere. lol