Ef LS SWAP Starting Problems PLZ HELP

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yea so i got it to run.. my harness works fine.. im keeping it...... Runs Great!!!! i apparently went off the wrong diagram for dizzy pinout, i switched around a few wires according to the new diagram fired right up. didn't need to buy anything wrapped up my wiring all is good
yea so i got it to run.. my harness works fine.. im keeping it......

it's unsafe and jank as fuck but hey if that's what you're goin for
it's unsafe and jank as fuck but hey if that's what you're goin for
you don't know anything you weren't very helpful and you weren't very nice so kindly fuck off sir. there is not one problem wrong with my wiring honestly its safer and more legit then stock wiring harness if i would have used every wire from my old harness there would have been a fire due to old wires that probably would have shorted out. btw i used solder and heat shrink for everything, a shit ton of new wires, and you know them heat shields on the engine harness, i used a mixture of new ones and old ones to re wrap my harness i didn't show you a video so you can critique my work i just wanted help i was just trying to show you what was going wrong i left everything unwrapped for video cause i wanted to fix the problems and i knew it was in my wiring somewhere. turned out to be the first thing i did cause i was in a rush to get it done AND this problem occurred BEFORE i ripped my harness apart