Getting to rear 6x9 in 2000 Si

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Ok, I just picked up a 2000 Si. Im used to simple american muscle and never really worked with Hondas. I figured Id throw in some nice Pioneers im not using but I cant get to the 6x9s on the back sill. I looked in through the trunk and I cant get to the upper screws but I see no way to get in through the top. The car is WAY too clean to cut the covers so does anyone know the right way. Or do I just stick to brute force and pull out the covers? Thanks
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fold down the back seats and you are left with the little tiny part on the side of the seat which the seat belt lays on.. you need to pull up and wiggle to get it to come loose, then just move it off to the side. The rear deck is held in by a bunch of clips, and there will be a wire that goes from the brake light to the deck its self just dissconnect it.. Unscrew the screws on the top of the deck while you hold the anchor or whatever on the bottom.
lol i never thought it was that hard or mysterious on mine...

(the american cars i've worked on are way more cumbersome to work on than my honda has proved to be. just get a metric set instead of sae hah)
The EM1 Civic coupe requires you to remove the read deck-lid in order to get at the speakers in order to remove/replace them. Take it from someone who owned one for 6 years.
lol you know what's weird I just noticed I've had my car for 8.