Head Porting Questions????

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Junior Member
does porting your valves 1mm over make a difference in overall performance and flow?

i talked to josh from dh-racing and he said that using 1mm over valves was dangerous and didn tmake any real difference...........he siad that there is a risk of your valves hitting?

i am using crower 297/287's, so i didnt that that i would have any problems with the valves hitting, i just thought it would help the head flow better!

someone with some knowledge or experience with this please help!


also, does anyone know if i could send my bare head and all the internals i purchased to portflow, have them do the pnp, and then them assemble the head?
that didnt come out the way i wanted it to. what i was trying to sya was would the 1mm over valves make a difference with the port n polish, not the valves themselves ported.

sorry about that!