How Much $$$$?

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Junior Member
I was wondering if someone would tell me how much it cost those of you who have the CR-VTEC, LS-VTEC swap into your car. There are also a lot of things involved in these swaps, so it would be nice to know down to the part how much it cost you. This has been gone over on how the CR-VTEC and LS-VTEC set-ups are done, but I was wondering what the final costs were. If it totals something like 5000 dollars why not buy a B18c1 and just turbo it or something. The only reason that I am interested is answering these questions is because I was going to buy a 96-00 hatchback civic and was wondering approximentally what the biggest bang for my buck would be. I know the cr-vtecs can be fast, but at what price?
I already read that thing, and thank you put some effort into your answers. There were three parts to the question, now if you like find the ls-vtec price cause I didn't find that, and I didn't find the parts that are needed except in the faqs section so don't direct me there. Next I would like to say that if all you are going to do is direct me to is a link to another post, why? I was asking if anyone has done it for a cheaper price. Not to rain on your parade but that was a little rude.
Well excuse me.But the fact is that every build up is going to vary in hp and cost,some people can find parts for a lot less and others are ass out.If you looked around the forum for a few minutes and did a search you'd find more than enough info and links to tech sites,junkyards,engine builders and importers to do a little research and come up with a figure that works for you.Not to mention discussions on what works best for what application,for what budget,for what end result.Don't get turned off because I was an ass,this is a great site and if you explore it a little more you can learn a lot.

PS:Welcome to :spin:
Originally posted by hndacvcjosh@Mar 12 2003, 09:59 PM
I already read that thing, and thank you put some effort into your answers. There were three parts to the question, now if you like find the ls-vtec price cause I didn't find that, and I didn't find the parts that are needed except in the faqs section so don't direct me there. Next I would like to say that if all you are going to do is direct me to is a link to another post, why? I was asking if anyone has done it for a cheaper price. Not to rain on your parade but that was a little rude.

If you read through to the bottom of that thread, you can see where I have all my parts listed out with how much it cost me. I won't break it down to component price, because it was a package deal.
I spent $2500 on my first build. I drive and Integra LS so I started with the LS engine. I did not buy a tranny. The only thing I should have done and didn't is have a machinist hone the cylinder walls. I tried to do it myself and it did not come out well. You can spend much more than that on a build, but unless you have some serious parts hookup I don't think you can do it for much cheaper.