I can guarantee the intel is right this time

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i don't see how a fleeing general is going to cause ww3?
maybe the mossad took the general and iran will nuke israel, then we can nuke iran and everyone can live happily ever after
I don't think Iran has that many allies with balls big enough to stand with them
North Korea, Russia, China, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Uzbekistan, Sudan, the Ivory Coast, Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina, The Philippines, Pakistan and the Eastern Bloc ex soviet countries.

Happy now ?

not the philippines, we kicked the shit out of bad guys there post 911, unless the gov there has changed since then they'll at the least be neautral

besides the US+Isreal+the UK>All the world
They rebuilt. Extreme Islam is not dead there.
I swear some people are never satisfied

Liberal in my work place: Well that's IF he tells us the truth

so this guy risks his life, & travels halfway across the world to defect to the sworn enemy of his government so that he can be hunted for the rest of his life to tell us fabricated Intel.....


EDIT: If Einstein were alive today there would be a liberal somewhere claiming he was a Nazi conspirator
Russia, China..

Wouldnt dare face the US over a hole in the ground called Iran. They are on our side for the most part, I'm sure they love Iran for the oil.. But in a conflict, Russia and China would more than likely step aside. They like our trade too much to do otherwise.

Thats my opinion, anyway.