I can't f'ing hear.

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I'd go to the doctors, around here a visit for something like that shouldn't run you over 100.00
Up there I'd think it would be cheaper.

I have a high deductible on my insurance since I *knock on wood* never have to go, but the very few times I've been for stupid shit like ringing in my ear, it has been in the 80-100 range.

Guessing you'd go in, sit down, doc will ask whats up, then look in your ear, dig around for 2-3 mins each ear and say ok see you later.
Yeah I have a Health Savings plan so we pay out of pocket for most of mine. Bills usually in the 80 dollar range.
we don't have our HSAs set up yet, so I basically don't have insurance anymore/yet.

This is the tool that is used, I believe places like CVS sell them in cheap plastic form, buy some, and get a friend to go digging around. Just be careful!

P.S having a bad build up can cause damage to your ear drum so don't keep putting it off.

This is the tool that is used, I believe places like CVS sell them in cheap plastic form, buy some, and get a friend to go digging around. Just be careful!


Use a currete style ear pick. The one I use looks exactly like the top one in Jeff's picture, except it has a nifty gold plating so it stays nice and reaction-free. Then again, Asians have a different kind of ear wax... my wife finds it ever so fascinating.
This is a close up picture Calesta's wife sent me along with some yummy pictures of herself wink wink.

anyways onto the picture of his ear wax.


This is a perfect example of Asian ear wax. I also find it really weird. I find this shit on linhs pillow in the morning.
You don't need insurance to go see a doctor, ask them ahead of time about how much it would cost.

I did. An ear cleaning is $100. I'm going to stop into one of my clients and ask them what they recommend. They're audiologists, but I imagine they can find me what I'm missing.

I really wish I could stop putting this off, but car payment one week, another payment the next, and mortgage next week, I kinda have to until the first week of June.
This is a close up picture Calesta's wife sent me along with some yummy pictures of herself wink wink.

anyways onto the picture of his ear wax.

This is a perfect example of Asian ear wax. I also find it really weird. I find this shit on linhs pillow in the morning.

So THAT'S why she's taking all those pictures! No wonder...

Eek. Mine doesn't quite look like that, but maybe because my ear canals are huge and don't ball up the wax. For those that don't know, Asian ear wax is dry and flaky (like skin) and you lighter-than-yellow people have greasy gooey ear wax. If you do the research, my kind is actually more common in the world. :)

I did. An ear cleaning is $100. I'm going to stop into one of my clients and ask them what they recommend. They're audiologists, but I imagine they can find me what I'm missing.

I really wish I could stop putting this off, but car payment one week, another payment the next, and mortgage next week, I kinda have to until the first week of June.

They'll probably tell you to not do anything, or get it professionally removed. The best thing is to remove the wax instead of pushing it around with a Q-tip. I've always scooped mine out- it's kind of therapeutic too. ;)

Come to think of it, my ear pick is right in front of my keyboard- time to go digging. Yum. :lol:
Well I got one to pop when I burped after finishing dinner, so I can hear out of one ear. lol The other one I can drop the peroxide in and dig some and come up with nothing. I think the only thing that will get this shit out is getting to the doctor where they have their fancy equipment. A friend of mine used to have his done regularly, just said the way they did his it would pop and hurt for a second and then he could hear.
Here's another picture of it, I think you missed it the first time around.

haha well, it just clicked. Its amazing how much you wake up in 30 minutes.
I had this happen to me in both ears during a double ear infection, it sucks and you think you're deaf at first. :ph34r:

Syringe filled with warm hydrogen peroxide did it for me.