I need some help please

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hi my brother has a 93 civic vx and his engine finally died after 170k miles. he took it to a shop to get a new engine put in. the put instead of a d15z1 a d15b. but only the long block. they used the vx ecu ,intake mani, exhaust mani.
from what i researched i called the guy that sid the work and told him that these parts needed to be replaced. he said that it didnt....
we bought a p08 ecu and installed an a d16y8 intake mani. soon to be installed.
my question is
1. the engine didnt come with the 1 wire d15b 02 sensor so the 5 wire d15z1 o2 sensor is being used.
is this ok?? or will it cause harm..
2. is there nething else that needs to be replaced.

i have been doing research and i could use ne help.
i am not too familiar with civics. i own an S2000
so any help with this problem is greatly appreciated
thanks in advance
oh and it is boging at low rpms but once above 4-5 k it runs smooth.. could this be fuel injectors or the fuel pump????
i dont think they have been replaced ever...
do you have any check engine lights?

if so, you might wanna check out that o2 sensor...if the 5 wire o2 sensor didnt work, the CEL would let you know. Also, if the exhaust manifold doesnt line up, your o2 sensor will read lean causing your car to run like shit unless you are at WOT.

The d15b is a really good engine, and it is an upgrade from what you had before. I would suggest getting the ecu that goes with that engine though. Your fuel maps are probably way off, and thats what is causing it to run like shit.

im not a civic guy, but there are plenty of people that can help you with this. Hopefully youll get more info tonight after people get home from work or once they get to work tomorrow.
we did get the the p08 ecu the one that comes with the d15b.
we just put it in this morning
only bout 30 miles on it so far.. no cel's just yet..
id just check your exhaust manifold and fuel pressure, those two are notorious for causing low end power issues.
you can go to modacar.com (check our banner rotation) and order a b&m fuel pressure gauge. It installs onto the fuel filter to show you what your fuel pressure is running. It should be about 38-42psi.