IHI's stock boost pressure and which turbo

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MAZDA 626, MX6 88-92 2.2L IHI RHB52W

MAZDA 323 GTX turbo 88-89 1.6L IHI RHB52W (water)

i thought i had a 626 turbo, but according to the junkyard list the 626 isn't water cooled, while mine is watercooled

i'm also only seeing 6psi, i'm quite happy with 6 for now, especially with just the FMU, but i was wondering if this was stock
i know my turbo probe had the IHI turbo and i think that pushed 10-12 on a 2.2 liter motor...

setup: z6 in a 90 hatch converted to obd1, running stock P28 with walbro, check valves and FMU

seriously thinking about starting to collect wideband and tuning stuff but $$$ is hard with the house coming up and all