Important Decision.....

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Watanabe Whore!!!
Rest In Peace
With all the "Adult Activities" that I had in Durango on my vacation...the wifes period was a little late.

it came a day late, but the wife went thru a little mental shock....and has came to her "decision" time. She's thinking about popping out a little Airjockie Jr.... or a little K-chan...

But now the problem starts.....

I can afford one, I have a decent job, and medically, everything would be covered.... I've got to have a heir to take my cars, parts, house, etc....if I get mangled in a freak car crash.... Plus I'm the last breeding "Pace" in the huge family I if I die, my families name goes with me. Me and the wife have been together for 12 years now, and I know we're in no mood to separate or divorce.

But the real problem is age.... I'm pushing 36, and the wife will turn 41 this year in sept. Health wise for her, she's already gone thru endomitreosus, fibroids on the uterus, and cysts on the olvarie's, but the doctor said she should have no major complications for having a kid with her organs. And then if that not enough, she was hit with MS, and may end up in a wheelchair later on in life. Also recently, she's been wanting to get a degree, so she's doing a little college here and there.

We talked today....and I have a week to decide if my next load goes onto a tissue, or into the :ph34r: .
have the baby...only if your wife's body can handle it.

you have talked about it for years and how you have wanted one for the longest. it will be your new best friend and help you take care of your wife in the future. i say go for it. it will complete you. your obsession with cars and cheap shitty beer will diminish and your priorities will change.

all i have to say is, "congrats"'re a lucky man...if this is really a new life for you...
I would say go for it. I would talk it over with a doctor too make sure everything will be ok.
at least I'll have someone to watch anime with...

but also bringing someone into the world that may end up like "Mad Max" with the gas prices these days...

but.... having a kid to teach how to drive would be cool...

I got to study up on health risks for older women having babies.....last thing I would want is a wife with MS and a kid with CP or something else thats not fun to deal with as a parent.
do it. the hardest, thankless most rewarding thing you will ever do. just be prepaired to cut back on the fun stuff, they really put a crimp in your wallet.
i would say no.
with her health and age the chances of the baby having health/mental problems go up.

but if you guys have the doctors ok and you both want it, go for it.
oh crap...... baby might have to wait...


SPANISH?!?!?!? it's prolly a typo....

I'll make less money, but will be happier living there than here.... I got to talk to my boss tonight...:ph34r: shit, he won't be in til next thursday:(
Here's an angle for you...

You're concerned about your age, and your wife's age. It's a valid concern. BUT...what if you decide not to have a kid now, and then later decide it's something you really want? At that point, you'll be even older than you are now. No one ever gets younger. If you're thinking about having a kid at all, now is probably the time to start...
41 is pushing it.... really pushing it. i dunno man. i'm not a doctor.

i'd go see a doctor this week, and ask him his opinion on having a kid at her age again.

You've always wanted a kid... so i think it's a good thing to have, but not if it puts K at too much risk for the reward.
I would go to her OB/GYN or to a fertility specialist and talk to them about all the possibilities. They would know better what would/wouldn't be a possibility. Ask Sherri if she still has any of their numbers. She went to several...
I'm glad to see you're doing the right thing. The first move in planning a family is getting ideas from Hondaswap.

Sue was born to parents late in life, she hated it.
i dunno man..
age is a real big thing right now...
you need to sit down and weight out EVERYTHING,then make the decision
It's a weighty decision. Something that will change your life, and hopefully help you define it a bit more.

It could be a lot of fun, and a miracle baby, but it also could hurt your wife.

Go for it. Everyone loves kids.
age is the dad was 30 when he had me.....needless to say, he was always stuck at work, and we never really did anything father-son-ish...the only time I saw my dad was at work...he drug me to work since I was 5 years old in his Napa store with a machine shop in the back. I was always with my dad, but I was always the little employee.
age is the dad was 30 when he had me.....needless to say, he was always stuck at work, and we never really did anything father-son-ish...the only time I saw my dad was at work...he drug me to work since I was 5 years old in his Napa store with a machine shop in the back. I was always with my dad, but I was always the little employee.
by the time your child gets ready to graduate, you will/should be working less and have more "daddy" time. then you can have an empty nest and share it with your wife.

just be careful though, old parents get tired easy and get worn out by kids. so if you wait much longer, it will be too late.
age is the dad was 30 when he had me.....needless to say, he was always stuck at work, and we never really did anything father-son-ish...the only time I saw my dad was at work...he drug me to work since I was 5 years old in his Napa store with a machine shop in the back. I was always with my dad, but I was always the little employee.
and you do like the overtime. A child requires sacrafice in life. I've given up A LOT in life for my son. I can't work saturdays. We are always together, the only time I get to interact with adults is at work, or the very rare occasion I have friends over. You'll have better luck then I with the wife around. Again, the best thing you can provide to children is yourself and your time and attention.