Lsd or no lsd?

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yea im gonna do a b18c1 swap into my 96 civic and it ask if i want lsd? what is the main purpose of lsd? do i want it or no, im lost about lsd?

Limited slip difrerential connects the two drive wheels together, usually through a series of spring loaded clutches. This means that if the two drive (front) wheels have different amounts of traction when under power it won't let the tire with less traction spin unless the tire with more traction spins too. So if one tire is on the ice and the other on the street it will give you traction from the street tire.

For auto-x (which I do) this means you can get on the gas sooner coming out of a corner. Without LSD if you apply gas early the inside (unweighted wheel) will just spin unless you wait untill the car is pointed straight.

For drag racing (which I don't do) it means that both tires will grip equally on launch (I think).

LSD is a very good thing to have if you have the horsepower to need it.
some trannys come with a LSD stamp on it. The easy way to check is to take out both axles, look through if it is totaly clear you have a LSD, if it is not clear then you have a regular diff