Michael Moore's new "movie"

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I think a lot of folks would rather suck capitalism's dick than be fucked by socialism's dick. Just sayin.

I am no Econ genius or anything like that but I think in some ways capitalism gets a shit load of heat when it is the people involved in the system that are making the wrong calls, or at least allowing those calls to stick. The house of cards that was built never should have been allowed to be built, but it was. But there are a helluva lot of people to blame. It isn't just the CEO and shareholders it is on the local/state/federal agencies that are responsible for oversight and such.

Another part of the problem is something that will never have a cure. Greed. It is simply human nature. Someone is always going to get shit on no matter what is in place. We can regulate and tax and monitor all we want but these people did not get to where they are at because they are slow.
michael moore lost all credibility to me when he said that his net worth was less than a million dollars on the howard stern show. i would always listen to his point of view with an open mind, but i just dont take him seriously anymore.
capitalism, as we've proved in the last two years, is an inherently flawed system, but socialism isn't a better solution either. both are born to fail and the greed of man (again not referring to socialism) will easily prevent another alternative from showing itself. It will take something like clean free energy and a food source that is so abundant and easy to come by that even kids in ethiopia have easy access to it. Only then can a socialist STYLE system work. Im not talking about people working for nothing and starving.

Im talking about the world driving cars that can run for years on a single gallon of water. I'm talking about a plane trip for 400 people, non-stop from the US to china, that only takes as much water (fuel) as it would take to fill your bathtub.

In that kind of world your responsibility comes down to bettering yourself and society. You wont need people running grocery stores because (as i said above) there is easily attainable food for everyone (maybe in the form of some genetically engineered crop or chemical resequencing. You dont have an electric bill anymore. You just change out the water cell in your personal generator.

People with a natural predilection for computers, for example, are no longer burdened with the responsibility to maintain a boring IT job to feed their families. Now they can work on developing new technologies to not only enhance their own lives, but the lives of others.

People with a natural predilection for something else, like farming, can spend more time experimenting with other foods to take the place of whatever it is we're eating. They aren't forced to farm for sustenance, instead they are farming because it's what they love to do and it benefits themselves and those around them.

Everything above requires breakthroughs that are not even on the technological map. So for right now capitalism is the best that we have, but it's definitely not the best. Capitalism is like driving an M3 when you're waiting for a ferarri 430 to be available. It's nice but there is OOOOHHH so much better.
capitalism, as we've proved in the last two years, is an inherently flawed system, but socialism isn't a better solution either. both are born to fail and the greed of man (again not referring to socialism) will easily prevent another alternative from showing itself. It will take something like clean free energy and a food source that is so abundant and easy to come by that even kids in ethiopia have easy access to it. Only then can a socialist STYLE system work. Im not talking about people working for nothing and starving.

Im talking about the world driving cars that can run for years on a single gallon of water. I'm talking about a plane trip for 400 people, non-stop from the US to china, that only takes as much water (fuel) as it would take to fill your bathtub.

In that kind of world your responsibility comes down to bettering yourself and society. You wont need people running grocery stores because (as i said above) there is easily attainable food for everyone (maybe in the form of some genetically engineered crop or chemical resequencing. You dont have an electric bill anymore. You just change out the water cell in your personal generator.

People with a natural predilection for computers, for example, are no longer burdened with the responsibility to maintain a boring IT job to feed their families. Now they can work on developing new technologies to not only enhance their own lives, but the lives of others.

People with a natural predilection for something else, like farming, can spend more time experimenting with other foods to take the place of whatever it is we're eating. They aren't forced to farm for sustenance, instead they are farming because it's what they love to do and it benefits themselves and those around them.

Everything above requires breakthroughs that are not even on the technological map. So for right now capitalism is the best that we have, but it's definitely not the best. Capitalism is like driving an M3 when you're waiting for a ferarri 430 to be available. It's nice but there is OOOOHHH so much better.

You're basically describing a utopian society.

The green movement would never eat genetically engineered crops either. lol
You completely missed the point of my goldman point.

My point had nothing to do with moore pointing out goldman in his movie because I don't know if he does or doesn't and I detest that fat fuck enough to not even try. I was more towards pointing out the oraclism of large entities that control enough capital to set economic precendents. Hence the goldman bubble, buffetism, etc, and the unfortunate inability for them to be perfect where they didn't see this problem and actually made it much worse, for every single company they purchase and short lot(100,000 units) shares of.

Shit we had one of the VP's give a great speech on there ability to persuade markets last year during this financial "crisis".

I'm not taking away from reputation of their ablity to make money, or their capitalism at its finest, I'm just trying to give you somethign to think about with how capitalism isn't the best thing for society in all cases. It lacks what we call "social responsibilty" the greates debate. That corporation being a imaginary intangible thing that has human rights but has no human responsibility. Hence the utilitarian vs. deontological point of view.

Now please, like I said up there, educate yourself on this stuff and quit sucking capitalism's dick.
They made money through a legal avenue. I see nothing wrong with it. If the government decides to outlaw the practice, and they continue doing it, then they did something wrong.

They are socially responsible for themselves. Why? Because if the shoe was on the other foot, and the have-nots became the haves, they wouldn't give a shit about the have-nots either.

People should take this as a lesson and stop worrying about someone else being socially responsible for them. Hold yourself responsible.