Need Help Doing a Auto to Manual swap in a Del Sol

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I've already started the process in doing the swap from auto to manual....i have the pedal assembly waiting on the side and the clutch lines already installed. What I need to know is what shift linkage am I suppose to be using? I tried an Ek, EG, Integras, and so forth and still have not gotten the shift lever to sit right. It's coming to close to the center console and I'm afraid that if i leave it like that I'm gonna punch the center console while shifting into third. Anyone can give some advice at all I would seriously appreciate it. Pics would be a bonus if you can take it. I need to know what that one section looks like where the shift lever goes through the chassis from down below. I've heard that I'm suppose to use a Del Sol Vtec Shift there a reason why? longer or something?
ok, for your shift linkage question, it all has to do with what engine you are running,if its a stock setup, (d series) then use eg linkage. If you are running b series then use integra, linkage, you shouldn;t run into any clearance issues with the console, provided you have the manual console. . . if it's even different, Im not sure about the del sol interior, I have only done eg civic.
blah I'm getting close to finishing my auto to manual but I came to problem with switching the pedal assembly. Do i need to remove the steering column? I can't reach the pin that connects to the brake. and also the bolt that's all the way up to of the assembly.
you shouldn;t have to remove the column, it is difficult to get up there tho, I don't have any tricks, but a swivel will work for the bolt, and as far as the pin. . . I dunno.
Alright i got the pedals in and all but after looking at the clutch I don't seem to have the sensor that's suppose to connect to it.....also am I suppose to tap the wire to something? For the Gas Pedal am i suppose to be using a different cable? Doesn't seem to bolt up.
as for the clutch sensor, you wont have a plug for that since you have a auto dash harness. you dont really need one, just be careful not to leave it in gear and start it. gas pedal cable should be the same, but if it isnt, go find a manual del sol throttle cable, but i do think yours will work.

also, im not sure about del sols, but the passenger side mount may be a little higher on the chasis on the auto than the manual. I ran into that problem helping a friend convert his da teg from auto to manual. you might have to cut that mount and reweld it further down a bit. my friend just left his, and might run into some axl problems later down the road.
Alright if you look at this picture I took of both pedals side by side you can see how the part where i circled is different. The end cable will not fit in the manual pedals because it doesn't have that push to the side piece on the top right.

I'm confused.....for the shift linkage issue if i'm going to be putting a b-series motor into the car....can a SOHC Del Sol shift linkage work? or which one would i need?
number 1 you need a del sol dohc Linkage and on the pedal the low one should is for the curses control and the top on is for the gas pedal.
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on the petal assembly, there are 2 places for wires to connetc, the top one is for cruise control, and the bottom one is for the throttle cable. as for the shift linkage, the stock one will not work. you have to use a b series shift linkage.
Can someone tell me where the plugs connect to? That would help a lot two. Also for the motor to be mounted into the engine bay.....Do i need custom mounts? If so which one?
im in the process of doin an auto to manual in my del sol...and i have a EG shiftlinkage..but it looks real short...

what i took out the cotter pin holding my old accerlator pedal off of the AT pedals set and put it on my new MT pedal assembly..which takes care of having to get a new accerlator will be a little loose when you do this..just go to the throttle control and tighten up the wire with a 10mm open end wrench

do you have a new starter for your new tranny
auto starter bolts up alot different than a manual starter