new england rally

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i'm in.
I'll think about it if the Z is running in August.... :ph34r: you know how I like to blow things up.... :p
looks like a good way to make some money....

50 cars @ $500 bucks each.... = $25,000

$5000 prize.... :confused:

someones going to pocket some money... :mad:
This is a Poker Run, which means you'll cruise to different spots, and when you get there, you'll get a playing card. At the end of the run, you'll trade in your "hand" and if you have a winning poker hand, you'll win the pot. The rest usually goes to Charity.

They are cool, but a road one isn't great amounts of fun. If it's a pre-war event, or some kind of specialist event (Lotus club does it all the time) then it's fun. But what am I going to have in common with a Viper owner when I run my Brat ?

Boating poker runs are also cool. They island hop with cards, that's a cool time.
its a good time to drive around for 3 days and meet new people.

you'd be suprised how much you have in common with a viper owner. he started out somewhere too. But, i doubt there will be any there. This will be more common folk than any big-dollar gumball like cars showing up. i think it will be fun.

i think i'll kidnap steve as my co pilot... he gets married a couple weeks after that so it will be a great last weekend of fun with the bros before :whip: lol
and that. i have no idea who would be my copilot. i LOVE reading maps.

maybe if i do go, dave will tag along or something.
Let me start by saying. Thank you for the support and I hope to see some of you in the New England Rally.


Hey all, I'm Sean. The host of the New England Rally and I'd like to answer a question I've been seeing come up now and then.
It seems some people don't understand what it takes to run an event of this size.

Quoted post[/post]]
looks like a good way to make some money....

50 cars @ $500 bucks each.... = $25,000

$5000 prize.... :confused:

someones going to pocket some money... :mad:

I'm curious how you figure this.

Do you have any idea how much it cost to run an event like this?

Ok First...

I am well over $3,000.00 into this event out of my pocket already and thats just the beginning.

Now... Not counting what I've already put into this event here is a small list of things that the entry fees are being used for.

Graphics for 60 vehicles $2,500.00
Based on the sizes listed in the sponsorship pricing
Graphics for all 50 cars plus 10 support vehicles

Video production $2,500.00
Recording the starting event as well as the Saturday night party and end of rally party
Editing footage recorded from in car cameras and checkpoint cameras
Editing all footage into a sellable and downloadable movie

Starting location $400.00
Salisbury beach state park pavilion

Starting location BBQ $1,500.00
An all you can eat BBQ for
100 entrants
10 rally crew members
15 band members

End location $1500.00
Rental of the Broken spoke Saloon in
Laconia, NH for end of rally party

Ending location BBQ $1,500.00
An all you can eat BBQ for
100 entrants
10 rally crew members
15 band members

Entertainment for start and end party $1,000.00
3 bands to perform at the starting event and end of rally party

Lodging and dinner Saturday night $6,750.00
60 rooms with 2 double beds in Presque Isle Maine
3 choice entrée all you can eat dinner for 120 people
Breakfast buffet for 120 people

Check point employees $200.00 per employee $2,400.00
3 employees at each checkpoint
1 to record arrival time
1 to distribute poker cards
1 to record departure time
4 checkpoints
12 checkpoint employees

Gas for travel to and from checkpoints $1000.00
$100.00 per checkpoint for gas

Cash salary for rally winner $5,000.00

Total: $26,050.00

This does not include radio advertising at $5,000.00 a week
banners at the start and ending locations
rental cars
the $4,000.00 special event Insurance
permits for use of checkpoints
expences traveling to each state on my own time scouting out spots.
prizes for awards

And much much more.. I think you get the point though.

So in short,

No I'm not making anything off this event, but if by some chance I do cover expenses I will donate the profits to the Boys and Girls clubs in the towns (or local to the towns) we use.

I'm actually paying thousands of dollars out of my own pocket so people can have a blast at my expense.

If you'd like to join us.. you are welcome to.. if not then best of luck in life to you, but we are going to have a great time.

Be well,
Sean Conrad
New England Rally.