New Fun From Osaka

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so my friend is looking to do a RHD firewall, and B16 swap
so i've been trying to find one that semi close to NY so we can go check it out before buying it, and just truck it home ourselves
i ordered an H22 from osaka a few years back and it was full of sludged oil, so i made the 6 hour trip to canada to exchange it for a better swap

so i figured since we were going to pick it up, whats the harm in trying to get it from them...
so first i called them and they told me they had one with clean sheet metal, then i wrote them asking for pictures...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: recked
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 7:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: EG6 Front Clip
> I am looking for pictures and price for a EG6 front
> clip, complete with motor and sheet metal.
> Thanks

--- Sales <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Sorry men don’t have that one for now
> Please feel free to contact us if you have any
> further questions.

-----Original Message-----
From: recked
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 7:46 PM
To: Sales
Subject: RE: EG6 Front Clip

I called last week and someone said you had it in
stock with clean sheet metal.

Sales <> wrote:

How about fuck you dumb ass with no brains in your fucking head
I have mentioned to you earlier numerous times
That we can give you a credit for the tranny that you fucked it
Who in the world is going to offer you a credit for a blown
Tranny, if it was the wrong one you should have send it back
To us within 48hours of the time that you received it
You piece of shit

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

fucking osaka.

i warned you all 4 years ago about them. how they are still in business is beyond me
i went up there the first time to get a good motor by any means necessary
when 2 guys drive 6 hours and show up at your front door you tend to switch your whole tone around
Why did he all of a sudden blow up about some tranny? That part confused me a lil.
Dean Trumbell: Are you threatening me, dick?
Barry: Why don-...
[double beat]
Dean Trumbell: oh y-...
[clears throat angrily]
Dean Trumbell: yo-... FUCK
[lowers tone]
Dean Trumbell: did you just saaay go fuck myself?
Barry: [nervously] ... yes, i did
Dean Trumbell: That wasn't good, you're DEAD!

Barry: And bye-bye. And bye-bye, you fuckin'... And bye-bye! You stupid motherfucker
some new updates

-----Original Message-----
From: recked
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 7:47 PM
To: Sales
Subject: RE: EG6 Front Clip

what in the hell are you talking about? I'm just
looking for an EG6 front clip...

why are you cursing me out?

Hi there,

This is Yokoyama shouten owner of Osaka Japanese auto parts Inc.
Iam extremely sorry and apologize for our sales rep that
They are doing this, it was a mistake and the email
Was send to you by mistake,
Once again iam apoligising for that stupid act that they
Have committed and if we do get a clip, iam offer you
A discount of $500 for the clip
This is the first time in the history of this company
That iam getting a change to chat with my customers directly
Hope you have a great day

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

and then i got this one

Hi there,

In about 2weeks

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
i probably will avoid doing business with them because i don't want the hassle of bringing a front clip through customs
and i definately would never order something that needs to be shipped from them... ever
I wouldn't risk it because your relationship with them has already been shot to hell. Who knows what else might go wrong given your history.