new here, camber problems need help fast

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hey im new here and im workin on camber and/or toe on my 2001 honda prelude. it has a set of neuspeed springs on and when i got it alliened this is how it showed........

left front camber actual-1.8 before 1.7 specified range -1 1
left front caster actual 3.3 before 3.3 specified range2.3 3.8
left front toe actual .02 before -.40 specified range -.08 .08

right front camber actual-2.3 before 2.3 specified range -1 1
right front caster actual 2.8 before 2.8 specified range2.3 3.8
right front toe actual -.02 before -.33 specified range -.08 .08

cross camber actual.6 before .6
cross caster actual .5 before .5
total toe actual 0.00 before -.73 specified range -.16 .16

left rear camber actual -1.7 before -1.7 specified range -1.8 .3
left toe actual .13 before .02 specified range 0.00 .16

rear right camber actual -2.4 before -2.4 specified range -1.8 .03
rear toe actual .11 before -.04 specified range 0.00 .16

rear total toe actual .24 before -.02 specified range 0.00 0.31

thrust angle actual .01 before .03

help is much appriciated

Get an adjustable camber kit front and back, then take it back to the alignment place? You can get caster kits too.
I don't know what kits are good for the Prelude, but for the Civic the most popular brands are usually Skunk2, Ingalls, Progress, and Omni.
Looks like you probably want the 35720:|PR&type=2&ltype=ns_import&p_id=1408
thank u. i ended up calling the guys at neuspeed and finding out the ones i needed