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mmmm, cash for Honda...
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Cancel that card. Seriously, don't wait another minute

Stewie: "And what have we learned?!?"
you'd be suprised.... cancel it. seriously.

you don't want the hassel. its not the money thing.
Alrighttt update time!

I went and picked it up today, it was 180 miles away. The car idles like its got stage 7 cams in it, jeesus. The radiator fan is completely [potty mouth], and after about an hour of driving the car starts to over heat and misfire until it finally stalls out.

I got it 120 miles until we gave up around 11pm. I left it at a rest stop 60 miles from my house to cool off overnight, so tomorrow it will finish its journey home.

I'm kinda disappointed it didnt make it all the way home.

I'm pretty happy that I drove the CRX 120 miles without stalling it at all, cause I've only driven a stick car once before.

I ended up buying it for $380