Newb ?, GSR motor in Civic Hatch

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Junior Member
Whats up guys,

A friend of mine has a 92 Civic Hatch. I don't know what model. Its 1.5 ltr automatic, non vtec and rediculously slow. Its either dx or vx but I don't know the difference. Anyway, I am wondering what is involved to swap a GSR motor in it (forgive me for not knowing the motor name). I would assume it would need a new tranny and so forth. Would the mounts even line up? Also, he would need a new tranny,ecu, and wiring harness, right? Just wanted to cover the basics of what would be needed and see if it would be a pain in the ass, or not too hard. Thanks guys
94-01 GSR motor is the b18c1, but when you say GSR we know what you mean.

I myself am a newb but do know your answer.

Since its OBD 2 and the hatch in which you want to put in is OBD 0 you will need a main and engine wiring harness,ecu,axels,all motor mounts,welding experiance or an exhaust shop to fix the gap from your headers to your cat or midpipe (if you decide to go straight pipe you wont use a cat)

I think that sums it up if i missed anything please add.
