Nice pictures of a M3

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I was just there...Friggin crooks wanted $35 to DRIVE my OWN car up pike's peak...

They aren't letting you drive up anymore ? I drove up there a few times in the 4Runner. Lots more dangerous roads to be on out there than that. We did have to pay $5 to get through the gates and get inspected.

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They were taken in Denver though. The first set of pictures where the BMW is in front of the water is off of about 32nd and Sheridan. The second set is at the Cherry Creek Shopping Center.

But I love ALLLLLL of Colorado!

You should come back here Steve!
OH That looked like the westward parking lot of that place down in Tejon in the springs by the end of Garden of the Gods (Forgot the name of the mall).

Either way, I love that fucking state with all my heart. I WILL be back, don't think I won't. I'm going to save up my mad CT cash and buy a place out there in Manitou. (Anyone see Cave of the Winds on Southpark last night ? Remember that picture of me in the yellow shirt? that was Cave of the Winds). Southpark got the place dead on.

But yeah, I'll be in Manitou.. don't you worry :) Or Conifer.
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I looked at those pictures longing actually...

... For Colorado Springs - where they were taken.

God I miss that place.
Wrong!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!! YOU SUCK!!!

LOL! J/K!!

They were taken in Denver though. The first set of pictures where the BMW is in front of the water is off of about 32nd and Sheridan. The second set is at the Cherry Creek Shopping Center.

But I love ALLLLLL of Colorado!

You should come back here Steve!
d'oh. You beat me to it. :wink:
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Dinan is kinda like DRAG in this case...they just didnt use a different housing. DRAG's turbo is a turbonetics turbo just rebadged.

Okay, thats not a for sure thing, but i know that Drag's turbos are turbonetics. The intake does say dinan :p

Drag I believe is their own thing. F-Max on the other hand is a turbonetics kit. I know becuase I owned one.
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I looked at those pictures longing actually...

... For Colorado Springs - where they were taken.

God I miss that place.
Wrong!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!! YOU SUCK!!!

LOL! J/K!!

They were taken in Denver though. The first set of pictures where the BMW is in front of the water is off of about 32nd and Sheridan. The second set is at the Cherry Creek Shopping Center.

But I love ALLLLLL of Colorado!

You should come back here Steve!
:werd: I was going to say something. the lake pictures are from sloans lake
thats crazy....a girl was able to answer the question of M3 or Z06 with very little help.
Reik0shea (8:48:26 PM): i dont know either...i do have a question for you...totally off any topic
girl (8:48:52 PM): yeah
Reik0shea (8:48:53 PM): M3 or Z06
girl (8:49:36 PM): hm
girl (8:49:37 PM): touch
girl (8:49:39 PM): tough
Reik0shea (8:50:04 PM): be honest...did you know what those 2 were without using google?
Reik0shea (8:50:22 PM): or any other resource other than previous knowledge
girl (8:50:41 PM): yeah, i knew of them, the make and stuff i just forgot what the M3 looked like exactly
girl (8:50:46 PM): i knew the Z06 for sure
Reik0shea (8:50:49 PM): thats cool
girl (8:50:50 PM): and i'd have to say
girl (8:51:00 PM): BMW M3
Reik0shea (8:51:16 PM): lol, do you mind if i post this part of the convo on a message board?
Reik0shea (8:51:36 PM): (i understand the answer...its why an E46 M3 is my background rather than a Z06)
girl (8:51:51 PM): I love me some corvettes for sure, but the M3 is so stylish and just looks hot to ride in. I'd rather ride in a beemer than a chevy.

Had to edit for her screen name oops.