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It's been a while - May 2003.

Some names I haven't seen in a while: blanco, ji, asmallsol, pills, jdmilan, loco honkey, tonyd, silverchild. Probably because a few of them are banned.
i talked to Ji/loco honkey not too long ago. he's doing well out in Utah now
tonyD and blanco are banned
jdmilan, pills and asmallsol disappeared
silverchild is cptn oregon now
Didn't asmallsol go insane about that model he was supporting or whatever, and ended up getting himself banned?

For that one guy that asked, I was 2000Si.
no, he bought a pedal bike and moved to northern michigan....
it's vaguley family but i don't recall... maybe dave holiday?
he's the guy who had crazy drama right? went to jail, got his gf pregnant, then moved to colorado or something, right?
It looks like I've been hanging around for a decade which seems weird.

Haven't owned a honda since my last one was stolen/stripped/torched in Philly by hoodlums but every once in a while I get the urge to pick up a project for fun...

I enjoy lurking the lounge & some of the tech threads, actual advice around here (car or otherwise) was always much more approachable than most other fourms
wow glad this thread got some ya'll out of the wood works. Glad to see most of you guys are all okay.

10+ years sure can pass by quickly but a lot can change, for better or for worst. One thing i did notice, any dads or wives? i dont really recall anyone getting married besides Cal.
taco checking in.
still work at Subaru dealership and just trolling out I guess. lol.

Met some cool people here and actually both met or chat with some members outside of the site. Jeffie, Formby, Cel and whiterabbit is coming to visit for a night so we'll be hanging out for some beers.

Don't drive a Honda. I guess I grew up and left FWD behind since my first Subie. now I drive Casper (06 Sti).

see ya around amigos.