one of you texas boys should buy this

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Ft Worthless? No way... not even close. Maybe Coppell (Dallas) or Austin.

Yeah, since that tornado that killed the business district, Fort Worth hasnt been booming. Still has a few decent neighborhoods that diserve housing in the 300k range, but from what i see in that pic...that house aint one of them. If i ever see my mom again, ill show you what 200k buys you in flower mound (northern dallas)
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the better question is, what do you OWN?

i bought a duplex about 5 months ago dirt cheap, fixed it up, hopefully i can sell it before spring break. it will go on the market before christmas hopefully. :shrug2:

but i live in a condo in downtown austin.


I'd live there for a complete two years, otherwise You're going to get raped on taxes.

I'd live there for a complete two years, otherwise You're going to get raped on taxes.
or just get your mail there... or cash deals
but yea, you're gonna get fucked on taxes...
keep 35% of whatever money you get cause you're gonna need it to cover the tax bill...
and try to pump up your rehab expenses as much as you can...
the property values are low there. its posted in hartford so people buy it, then realize they paid nearly full market value for a house that needs 50-100k put into it.
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180K could have got me a house with heated swiming pool, 2 car garage, hottub in masterbedroom, hardwood floors thruout. 4-5 bedroom 3-4 bathroom.

TX is dirt cheap, well, FT Worth is one of the higher cost of living areas IMO in TX.

still, that same house B listed would be pushing 350-450K here.

Maybe where I live in FL. Not up in MD, unless it's between a gun store, liquor store, and crack house.

WTF do you know about real estate up here? Cost of living up here housing wise is still much higher then FL.
Not a single house in my parents neighborhood is worth less then a half million. 4 years ago most houses were valued in the 200s

FL has started to catch up with the rest of the hotspots but it's still behind. Buying a house in FL is much cheaper then up here.

where else can you find 1 bedroom condos for 200+k? shit in Baltimore near down town its not uncommon to see $1 million+ condos.