peta video.

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Need a remind the peta bastards that these animals have brains that are so small that they can't comprehend wtf is going on? Yeah, I think a turkey thinks about longing to roam in open fields with tall grass and tons of sunlight--they can barely eat and shit, and yes they feel pain, but not on any level that we do. People have eaten meat for millions of years, it's not going to stop now just because some hippie activist group is bored and needs to stir up shit.

Now I am not trying to start shit for a change, in fact, I support vegtarian's decisions and respect them as a person, just because I want to clog my artieries with that juicy, succulent steak and enjoy it, I dont expect a vegetarion to get all pissy about it and try to push their beleives on to me. The only thing I hate is right wing tards like peta that have nothing better to do then try to start shit. If everyone in the world didnt eat chickens/turkeys/cows or hurt them, we would be swimming in animal shit and carcasses regardless. Peta would give up their nuts to save a tukey, and it looks like some of them did.
Originally posted by SolPWR@Dec 11 2003, 02:28 PM
I think vegetarians are fucking stupid.

I think you are fucking stupid, I have not problem with other people eating meat. I chose my own reasons for not eating it and it has nothing to do until recently with animal crulity. People can make what ever statments they want, and it is stupid to attempt to insult someone over the fact that they dislike eating meat. The people at PETA are different from most vegitarians, they are super pushy and make it very public to persuade people to join them. Not all vegiterians are like that most of us or at least the ones I know are in it for a "healthier" lifestyle, or in my case medical reasons. Until I did a research project for a class last semester I thought the people at PETA were just kind of crazy, and were shuting down the places that were doing this, I now feel that they are doing an appropriate job. However they means of conveance are not the best. Also PETA is not trying to make everyone vegiterian, they are trying to make a protest against the crulity that goes on in slaughter houses, hen houses, and whatever other animal holding facilities are in this country.
Also PETA is not trying to make everyone vegiterian, they are trying to make a protest against the crulity that goes on in slaughter houses, hen houses, and whatever other animal holding facilities are in this country.

yea...... sure. that's the cover up man
Originally posted by SolPWR@Dec 11 2003, 05:28 PM
That video made me hungry. Im now eating a roast beef sandwich and its good. After I think Im gonna down a nice large milk shake. MMMMMM

I think vegetarians are fucking stupid. They always say its not suppose to be like this. But wait a minute why do we have teeth that tear and hold meat in the front? Its sooo confusing. I just think of vegi's as livestock. they eat pure food and then later we eat them. Problem solved.


If we weren't supposed to eat meat it wouldn't taste so damn good!
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Dec 11 2003, 05:23 PM
i fully support PETA

People Eating Tasty Animals


i think i'll go to carl's jr. for a nice tasty bacon cheese burger, mmmm
Originally posted by MaaseyRacer+Dec 11 2003, 09:20 PM-->
@Dec 11 2003, 02:28 PM
I think vegetarians are fucking stupid.

I think you are fucking stupid, I have not problem with other people eating meat. I chose my own reasons for not eating it and it has nothing to do until recently with animal crulity. People can make what ever statments they want, and it is stupid to attempt to insult someone over the fact that they dislike eating meat. The people at PETA are different from most vegitarians, they are super pushy and make it very public to persuade people to join them. Not all vegiterians are like that most of us or at least the ones I know are in it for a "healthier" lifestyle, or in my case medical reasons. Until I did a research project for a class last semester I thought the people at PETA were just kind of crazy, and were shuting down the places that were doing this, I now feel that they are doing an appropriate job. However they means of conveance are not the best. Also PETA is not trying to make everyone vegiterian, they are trying to make a protest against the crulity that goes on in slaughter houses, hen houses, and whatever other animal holding facilities are in this country.

woo hoo, vegitarians unite.

lol, actually I think E has said it best he doesn't give a fuck what you eat or how as long as you don't pressure him to be like you. or force him to believe what you believe.
Vegi's are like gay people, they just have some imbalance that makes em normal. We were meant to eat meat and thats how its gonna be forever. We raise animals cause we are more advance and can harness nature to produce for us. Just like we have fields of corn or carrots. I dont see anyone crying for fish, whats up with that? cause they dont have fur and are not cute?
sad,just made me forget about wanking off tonight........ :(

but peta sucks!!!!!!!!!and t-bone's and prime rib rule all!!!!!!!
Originally posted by SolPWR@Dec 11 2003, 10:26 PM
I dont see anyone crying for fish, whats up with that? cause they dont have fur and are not cute?

that pretty much covers it

no one gives a fuck about the entire schools of poor little fishies that are netted up and dragged onto a ship where they are thrown on ice and left to die in a genocidal manor

or the poor little larger fishies that first get tricked into thinking they found some food ... only to have a spike jammed through their mouth then after a rigorous attempt to get away they are finaly pulled close enough to the boat to be impaled by a gaff and dragged onto the boat where they will have their abdomen slashed open, their innards ripped out and their head chopped off... all while still alive mind you

but alass no one gives a fuck about the poor little fishies

PETA = People for the Ethical Treatment of (cute furry) Animals :fuckyou:
you know what's really funny- how they made a big deal out of the pigs being casturated right after they're born- if i remember correctly, aren't most humans circumsized right after birth? and it's funny that i don't remember being circumsized or how much it hurt, so i'm willing to bet the pigs don't either- And just to gripe a little more the biggest problem I have with the peta no animals argument is simple- If we aren't eating animals, who will be? we are the top of the foodchain, and us not eating animals would be equivalent to a entire country of lions that ate grass. Eventually the population of the food they once ate would ski rocket- God designed us the way he did for a reason, just stick with it for christ sake
Originally posted by E_SolSi+Dec 11 2003, 10:39 PM-->
@Dec 11 2003, 10:26 PM
I dont see anyone crying for fish, whats up with that? cause they dont have fur and are not cute?

that pretty much covers it

no one gives a fuck about the entire schools of poor little fishies that are netted up and dragged onto a ship where they are thrown on ice and left to die in a genocidal manor

or the poor little larger fishies that first get tricked into thinking they found some food ... only to have a spike jammed through their mouth then after a rigorous attempt to get away they are finaly pulled close enough to the boat to be impaled by a gaff and dragged onto the boat where they will have their abdomen slashed open, their innards ripped out and their head chopped off... all while still alive mind you

but alass no one gives a fuck about the poor little fishies

PETA = People for the Ethical Treatment of (cute furry) Animals :fuckyou:

fish do not feel pain.
I've had a few fish squeel when I gutted them...everything feels pain....all animals...even earthworms....