Program I am Writting

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Well-Known Member
Like the topic states I am writting a program with Visual Basic. I am looking for some ideas on what I should do with it. Right now I am thinking about creating a parts manager complete with description and price. I am planning on implementing a save feature that would save all of the information inputed into the program in a text document.

This is a basic explination of the program I have four main options to choose from: Head, Block, Transmission, Suspension. From there it would list the components in each of those catagories. So the head would consist of; springs, valves, PnP, retainers ect. Im looking for ideas on what you guys would like to see in a program like this or maybe an even beter idea..

Sorry but I lack the knowledge to write a TurboEdit type program so that is out of the question. If I wasnt clear with my descripsion please let me know. I really look forward to getting some feedback. Thanks in advance.
The reason for me writting this is for school. Ill try and get some screen shots up to beter explain what Im doing. I have all the pretty stuff done just not the code. In about three quarters we are going to be getting into data bases so I can further expand on my program.

Okay I just read my first post and thought I would expand even more. We all know that when you get into tuning cars, you end up spending alot of money. This program is being written to keep beter track of mods that are done to cars. Like I said it will have a input field for the maker of the part or the part description which ever the user would feel is beter. There is also a field for inupting the price of the item.

I thought that this might be somthin other people would want but I may be wrong. But just in case ill post screen shots any ways.