real or fake?

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i have no recoloection of this chick... there was no attachment of any pic like she said either./... headers validate to hotmail.


napkin??? i can't recall ever giving out my e-mail address of a freakin napkin. lol

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 5:48 PM
Subject: Do you remember me?

Hello You! Do you remember me at all? From my personal ad? I know it's been awhile- I had some huge pc problems, and I've just been so busy with school. I'm 26 still a student (obviously right) and don't get out much. (eew I hope that didn't sound too I'm just not into the bar crowd you know? I am always looking for new friends (and playmates too) Maybe we can hook up and chitter chatter at each other some time- play the get to know you game:) I'm naughty And nice:)
Here's a picture- I hope you remember me- your email was on a napkin...omg I sound sloppy huh? lol. Well if that didn't scare you Write back soon:) Hugz Amy
Some of these fucking spams are getting smart as hell, its hard to tell anymore.

It looks real... but who the hell knows, if you reply you'll prob be spammed like a mofo
fake as a girl who says she isnt a bitch.....who rights emails on napkins, and why would she go through that whol email for someone she doesnt know, its spam moe <_<
or maybe you can take up every offer you get via email on how to increase the size of your johnson... if you did you would end up with a 36ft long johnson.

unknown email addy == insta delete
"Hello my name is Amy you gave me your email on a napkin."

j/k its fake ecspecially if you dont remember give out your email on a napkin.
brian, this is obviously some lame attempt at a joke...
you CANNOT be that dumb to fall for this stupid ass shit.

seriously, me and you are alike....we know DAMN WELL every single chick we hooked up with or met. :D
I think she was saying she wrote it down on a napkin, hense thats why she's sloppy. I've gotted down info on napkins before, but never an email address.

Anyways, I say it's fake. I've gotten stuff like that before from bots that search the net/chats and send to thousands.

Spam, y0! I got some pretty good ones too. I got one on AOL a while back. It said I've changed my screen name. I opened it and it fucked my shit up bad. It put you into a chat room randomly every couple minutes. Ingenious fuckers.
This is a TOTAL Scam.. I got the same thing.

It's not real.

What I've found is that single people are fucking dumb. And I'm single, and I'm fucking dumb. Don't let your loneliness make you do stupid things.

I'll IM ya more if you want (I found a scam that will blow your freekin mind)

-> Steve
Originally posted by khrisb@Nov 4 2003, 12:23 AM

i think that's the smartest thing you have ever said in your posting career.
I've gotten 2 or 3 emails from some chick at my yahoo account... It really really helps that I have "" AND ""...

I get f'ing emails from random girls with email addy's like ***azngurl***@*****.com all the time... talking about hey honey, blah blah this, really enjoy that. I started responding to them asking if they were hot and had a pic. Get you f'ing b/f's email addy right, you stupid cunt!

:insert "smells like bullshit" pic here:

sorry dude but that sounds like a typical spam mailing to me. big dead giveaways are: 1) "im naughty AND nice", 2) "I sound sloppy huh?"
no real women ever say that to guys they've only exchanged emails with.