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My business partner and I run an office in downtown manhattan. Right now we are the only two people working here and handle everything ourselves.

We put up an add for $24000/year job for an office assistant/gofer person to run errands and help out.

The phone will NOT STOP RINGING!!! We have been getting about 30 calls a day on the add and have 10 people lined up for interviews next tuesday.

I actually feel so bad taking these calls. Some of the people sound so desperate and have been looking for a long long time to no avail :/. This hope 'n change sucks.
well its allot better then working for stop n shop or fast food place, that why your getting all those calls, thats $11.54/h, plus yeah..there are stil tons of unemployed people out there
1. Create web based reality show wherein people compete for job

2. Make them do Fear-Factor stuff to compete

3. Sell Advertising

4. Profit, and a disgruntled gofer but gofers by definition are
All in the area. We have the hardest time finding good help.
Our newest hire has been late twice and didn't show up twice in the first 2 weeks. I get to deal with her later since I'm home on butt pee duty.

Rule of thumb, if we're hiring a non hispanic person, we need to hire 5 people. Hopefully 1 will stick.
All in the area. We have the hardest time finding good help.
Our newest hire has been late twice and didn't show up twice in the first 2 weeks. I get to deal with her later since I'm home on butt pee duty.

Rule of thumb, if we're hiring a non hispanic person, we need to hire 5 people. Hopefully 1 will stick.
I have a hell of a time finding engineers in the silicon valley. Everyone is employed down here and hard to find good people.
I have a hell of a time finding engineers in the silicon valley. Everyone is employed down here and hard to find good people.

We get 1-3 job applications a day, no one really wants to work. People walk in and slap their application down and say, hey, I want a job.....

Yeah buddy.

I don't even get that many applicants... Where are all the workers? Obviously not software developers who are looking for work...
if it's not an 'app' kids don't want it, so they aren't learning it.