Renamed: Argue with ReDCiViCSi thread

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Monthly income when I was working at restaurants: $1000 if I'm lucky as fuck, $600-800 if I'm lucky plus I gotta give my mom $150/month in gas money but I pay no bills (16 in highschool) so every penny I've made since getting my civic has gone into it. Of course my income is $80/month for helping my mom do her job now since I quit my own. I got pissed off and fed up (fast food) so I just spit in everything pissed on the floor stole some cookies and walked out. And I'm 16 so I can still be immature when I want :). Kinda fucked myself tho with only $500-700 left over (still gotta pick up my last check) and put some of my civic's work on hold, but I'll have another minimum-wage-ass job in a few weeks :).

Now at the chinese restaurant I worked at a loooong time ago during the summer I was able to work 12 hours a day every day without a break and I could make...1400/month? That's how I bought my car hahaha. I live in the ghetto it sucks balls but what the hell I'm thankful for what I got: my car and the engine swap and a highschool shop with tools available to me for free. And my family of course :). Planning on going to Wyotech technical school to take a 9 month core auto program then specialize in either painting/collision or hotrods and supposedly I should be qualified for just about any $60k-$80k yearly income job in about a year and a half total so we'll see how it turns out :D.
Planning on going to Wyotech technical school to take a 9 month core auto program then specialize in either painting/collision or hotrods and supposedly I should be qualified for just about any $60k-$80k yearly income job in about a year and a half total so we'll see how it turns out :D.

They tell every Tom, Dick and Harry that. Don't waste your time and money on WyoTech. Find a local program, study hard and find a decent career so you can work your way up. WyoTech is almost as bad as the military for blowing smoke up your ass. Trust me I know.
Whaaaaat are you serious? Bad experience? What about UTI?
All of those McSchools will get you no where. Sign up at the local community college for somethign like a law degree. Work on it, it'll take you further.
Both of them are about the same in terms of what you get vs. what you pay vs. what they promise you. Do a simple Google search of "is wyotech worth it?" and read some of the responses. I have had two friends drop out of them due to the fact that they could not afford it and deemed it not worth it. I am also a Tech Ed teacher and would not subject my students to even a visit from one of their reps. Remember they are a for profit school - they will tell you anything to get you in the door and pay tuition. Ultimately it is up to you but I would shop some community college programs as they are just as good and cost way less. Also I would suggest stopping by your local dealers and ask them what they look for in a new hire.
I'm attending UTI right now only because of the manufacturer specific certification programs they run. The school attracts a lot of bonehead mechanics who are into cars, can't get into college, and therefore think UTI is a great way to get a job. Many kids don't take it seriously. Show up. Be there EVERY day. Get as close to a 4.0as you can, grab an MSAT, work your butt off and you should be allright. But going to a school for just the core program is a waste of time. Anyone can change brake pads, do a clutch - and run an alignment rack. The true purpose of courses is to tech advanced diag and electrical. Most kids at the UTI around here fail hard in those categories.

If you plan on going to a school like UTI or Wyotech - shoot for something other than the core program, because in all honesty - unless you have hookups - good luck finding a job at a decent dealership when you get out.
Try and work your way into a dealership before you graduate, and also try and take as many ASE's as you can. Practical experience does not compare to in-class work.
Sidework, work on your own car. Get out and do it right.

60k-80k a year right out of school? God no. Once you get good at flat rate, it's entirely possible. One of my teachers used to take home 100k a year doing mainly rearends and transmissions for Chrysler.

Wyotech is good for fabrication, welding, bodywork and diesel. UTI is better for core automotive and manufacturer programs. Just make sure you don't get sucked into the hype.
See I'm not relying on the core program as much as a specialy program. The one I'm interested in is collision repair and paint jobs. Shit you teach me how to paint with what kind of paint and tools and methods and procedures and teach me GOOD and RIGHT, then I could just work for a collision center for a while, move into a big city and work something out for my own collision repair or just a paint shop for minor body work who knows? The way I see it after I learn how to paint I can fix the dents on my civic replace the windshield and paint over then SHOW my interviewers what I can do. And a specialty collision repair/paint program to me sounds COMPLETELY doable in 3 months. I might even take wyotech's advanced engine building for power course. But I'm definately leaning towards collision repair and paint because as long as there's cars on the road and drunks and poles and curbs to fuck them up, I'll always have work :).
currently a student so, me and my fiance have it split on bills, therefore MY expenses are::
cell phone(2 lines):$62.50/month
student loans:$55/month
so in total $ 557.50 worth of expenses
now I'm working 30 hrs/week @ $10 an hr and b/c I'm a student, I only pay s.s and medicaid on my taxes, which leaves me only around $20 plus what my girl has left over to mess around with...its not much, but hey, at least I own my car so I don't have to pay 4 it that :-D
currently a student so, me and my fiance have it split on bills, therefore MY expenses are::
cell phone(2 lines):$62.50/month
student loans:$55/month
so in total $ 557.50 worth of expenses
now I'm working 30 hrs/week @ $10 an hr and b/c I'm a student, I only pay s.s and medicaid on my taxes, which leaves me only around $20 plus what my girl has left over to mess around with...its not much, but hey, at least I own my car so I don't have to pay 4 it that :-D
omg i forgot that's what this thread started out as. yay for a return to saniteee :)
Haha so did I, this thread is still subscribed and I'll check it here and there to see what people are talking about. All the sudden I see this kid's finances and I'm thinking wait a minute, he's not arguing with anyone...