Screen shot's from FFXII

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Yeah, I'm all about the Final Fantasy Series. Can't wait for them to remake VII, VIII, and IX for the Gamecube. Will be very nice! I'd like to get XI, but don't like paying monthly for any game even if it is online and constantly changing.
VIII licks nuts no offense, they tried to make it too realistic

i honestley dont think a video game will ever top VII though

kindof interisted in X-II first FF sequel should be interisting
ff3 was the best by far.

speaking of ffx-2, i bought it today. came out on the 19th here.
I was reading about this, apperantly this game is going to take place in the world of Ivalice, which is the same world of Final Fantasy tactics. Thats first screens of the in game play ive seen but it certainly looks great. I cant wait for 12 to come out.

As to my favorite in the series its a two way tie. VI (US 3) was wonderful. For the amount of characters it had they were all developed well. I honestly felt something of an emotional attachment for most all of them (except gau the painter girl and her grandfather mimic and the snowman dude... useless, the lot of them.

The other is VIII. Plenty of people bitch about the "realism" (because in reality we all have gun/swords and can use magic) but i though it was great. The graphics were a huge step up from seven, and i honestly enjoyed the techno/fantasy setting the game employed. Plus the main character squall is an asshole, how can you beat that?
With a kickass video card, FF XI looks almost the same as some of those, only without tropical colors and shit. 12.95 is nothing to pay a month, seeing as how you can never really beat it, and you have almost limitless options and what u want to do on there.