Sexy Rexy

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You finally fixed the door!?!?! And you damn Canadian kids just cant stay out of trouble. can you?
Awww damnit. Sad part is I actually looked back at the pics to make sure i saw both sides. lol I saw that it was still fucked in Brad's thread.
Okay so I finally got my garage all cleaned up and started putting the dash together.

Work Space

What the car looks like as of tonight

Started on the gauge pannel. I also got another panal (shown on left) done.


And I couldnt help myself at being artsy tonight :p
call me i need to discuss tactics with you
I finally got the center console done. Im making tweeter pods in the other vents.

fuel & ign. switch


What to do with the left over spare air vents? Why not make sound come out of them!



I still need to put secure them in place. They're just sitting in there now.
that gauge pod would look way better with some countersunk screws....
or at least put some washers in there so it matches the speaker pods