So I got suspended from work

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i want to post 'em here! i have more of her and our cars!
sorry there so big. im a noobie remember?



there! are you happy now! took forever to figure it out, but this was the best i could do.
well guys. there you have it. My car; girl; her car, and me, the taco himself.
ohh and star what did you mean by,"i'd hit it". was that to me or her? anyway. i gotta go back to the sale topics now. gotta look for some parts for my crex.
Thanks guys for making me laugh and ill read ya later when i see something interesting again.

PS you saw us..... now we need to see you guys! email the pics.

Later COCKSUCKERS! :bye1:
finally pissedoffsol has arrived. was she worth the wait?
ya know what i just realized?

we have a guy named Taco... and a guy named Nacho posting on the site.
