Somalian Pirates

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Let the Rangers and Delta back in there with free range to do what is necessary and exact a little revenge. You won't have a warlord in the country by Monday.

That is my thought exactly. We train these guys for this specific reason.
i say give them the money there wanting, but just give them the fake stuff, and when the man is safe blow the ship up fake money and all
send a team in
kill the hijackers
dump their bodies into the ocean to be eaten by fishes
let the world know exactly what we did
announce that any further attempts at piracy will be handled in a similar fashion
repeat as often as needed
Gortney, the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, said the White House had given "very clear guidance and authority" to take action if Phillips' life was in danger.
why should we wait till his "life was in danger". We could have used this to set a precedent, fuck with an american ship and we will kill you as quickly as humanly possible. Don't wait, send the navy and kill them as soon as the snipers have them in the crosshairs.
surprised they got him out alive to be honest
4 armed pirates?
if you saw the "boat" they were in you're understand
its completely enclosed, not easy to pick off 4 without them taking out the hostage
something needs to be done with the pirates. E has the best plan. we can't just forget about the whole continent because of a few fuckhead pirates. If someone is beating a dog, you don't say, oh shit, he might hit me, you go in and beat his fuckin ass. just because it they might retaliate, we can't forget about the whole place in suffering.
the only reason not to ignore whats going on over there is al quaida(sp). We've been trying to help over there for decades with minimal results.
its only humane. I don't mean we have to feed them forever, but get some sort of system set up to where they can start feeding themselves easily. agricultural systems and such. teach them to farm, plant, and economize, not just parachute sally struther's fat ass in and let them feed off of her for a while.
the only reason not to ignore whats going on over there is al quaida(sp). We've been trying to help over there for decades with minimal results.

Incorrect, we gave up on them after Mogadishu. That whole region was lost the moment we cut and run because we took some loses. I believe bin Laden spoke to this point essentially saying, that the United States portrayed itself as a paper tiger in that moment.
its only humane. I don't mean we have to feed them forever, but get some sort of system set up to where they can start feeding themselves easily. agricultural systems and such. teach them to farm, plant, and economize, not just parachute sally struther's fat ass in and let them feed off of her for a while.

unfortunately its not quite that easy...
they dont have a system of government or order over there... they have gangs and warlords... pretty much anyone that isnt in one of those groups is just terrified and hoping that they wont be killed in the near future...
if you have something, it will be taken from you, if you try to protect what you have you will be killed... and there is no "law" to protect you or punish them...

any assistance we try to give them is quickly stolen by the gangs/warlords and does not go to the impoverished public... at least not in any form that would actually help them... it gets trickled to them by the gangs/warlords just enough to keep the public weak and in constant need...

unfortunately it really is almost beyond help over there... if you take out a warlord or destroy a gang, another one takes their place immediately... if you encourage the people to stand up, they are killed... if you provide aid, it is stolen...
Incorrect, we gave up on them after Mogadishu. That whole region was lost the moment we cut and run because we took some loses. I believe bin Laden spoke to this point essentially saying, that the United States portrayed itself as a paper tiger in that moment.

you are correct sir
this was an epic WIN for the u.s.

not in the fact that we got our guy back or that we killed some skinnies, but the fact that we set a precedence. we told africa that we wont put up with that shit. especially when we are helping your primitive asses.

now they know the next time to stay away from an american ship. or we'll do the same thing again.

ok, lets do a tally.
E (if we tell him he's playing resident evil 5 and they are real life zombies)

we need 3-4 more.
ok, lets do a tally.
E (if we tell him he's playing resident evil 5 and they are real life zombies)

we need 3-4 more.

:huh: whats going on here??
:huh: whats going on here??
we are starting a security company for shipping boats.
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cool deal.... zombies, somalian pirates... whats the difference really :shrug2: