SR20DET into an S2000?

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Senior Member
Was thinking about this the other day and was just wondering how hard would it be to fit an SR20DET into an S2000?
going from an na motor to a turbo motor that makes less power is pretty stupid IMO. lol

sr20s are so over-rated
if i had a 240, i'd keep the damn KA and boost it with alot of head work. more torque and better hp potential.
if i had a 240 id sell it...

ohh wait, i do... and it will be for sale real soon.


time for something with potential.
pardon me, lol. i do consider a 240 to have potential. i dont see an S2000 holding a flame pure power wise to a SR or a KA yet. but thats just my experience. not with roughly the same cost atleast.
Whoa guys I'm just trying to get some threads started in this forum. :P

I know the F20c has more potential, I guess I should have stated this in my first post, but lets just say theres a senerio where something happens to the motor and it won't run anymore and the person didn't have enough $$$ to buy a complete F20. Would it be possible to run an SR20DET in an S2000? I know it's not the smartest move just wanted to know that if you had to do it would it be possible? :shrug2:
I'm sure it would be possible- run a stand-alone ish management setup so you don't have to worry too much about the Nissan system screwing up the Honda system, then bolt it all in and go (oversimplified), but the reality is probably that the swap to an SR20DET would cost you more than dropping in another F20C or even the new F22C.
anything is possable... there is an s2000 powered miata out there. :)
besides the S2000 can handle boost pretty well (low boost stock compression) or be a monster with a built bottom end. I think the rear end is the weak link...
Inlinepro has a nice turbo kit, as well as a 10 sec turbo S2K!
Wow dude, i think this is going to set the record for oldest thread brought back from the dead. This was 2 years old almost.
Wow, and here i was about to flip out & drop some knowlege on you retards for dissing the SR20DET!

Fawk dudes - my car would rape an S2K. For half the price.

I even beat GTO's on the highway :ph34r:

This thread = :lame:
NotUrAverage_Si said:
Whoa guys I'm just trying to get some threads started in this forum. :P

I know the F20c has more potential, I guess I should have stated this in my first post, but lets just say theres a senerio where something happens to the motor and it won't run anymore and the person didn't have enough $$$ to buy a complete F20. Would it be possible to run an SR20DET in an S2000? I know it's not the smartest move just wanted to know that if you had to do it would it be possible? :shrug2:

If it were me in that particular scenario, the S2k would acquire theft insurance (if it didn't have it already), get 'stolen', and then 'mysteriously appear' burnt to a crisp in a ditch somewhere. Hell, with me it might turn up burnt to a crisp anyways...

at any rate, it would end up costing way too much time and money to buy an SR20, fab the mounts, shifter, and driveshaft, wire the thing up, and get it running properly...especially when you can pick up an F20 from Hmotors for $4k, and probably even cheaper than that from a junkyard...
NotUrAverage_Si said:
Whoa guys I'm just trying to get some threads started in this forum. :P

I know the F20c has more potential, I guess I should have stated this in my first post, but lets just say theres a senerio where something happens to the motor and it won't run anymore and the person didn't have enough $$$ to buy a complete F20. Would it be possible to run an SR20DET in an S2000? I know it's not the smartest move just wanted to know that if you had to do it would it be possible? :shrug2:
In that scenario, I would go LS-1. A lot easier to drop in and much more potential.