T-shirt in honor of The Rock's Return

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It was pretty terrible. I am not a big fan, but it can be entertaining sometimes with enough beer. Last night however was not.
I won't pay money to watch wrestling but I will DVR the Rock on free tv and watch it without commercials.

It just reminds me too much of the old days, I don't even watch the matches, just the promos. Rock is gold, seeing him talk about new people is always fun...

Last Monday (paraphrased)
"The Rock had a dream, that he called out John Cena. His wannabe rap music hits... he comes out here in his rainbow colored shirt, lookin like a homeless Power Ranger. He says, "You can't see me." The Rock Says "Oh yeah John Cena, you wanna see something? (yelling) The Rock's fist to your face and his boot in your ass!"