Take it easy on me Im a newbie :)

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gah, i posted the topic and didnt even read it.

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Originally posted by TrailorParkPimp@Dec 1 2004, 06:27 PM
dont forget TEIN. most people say it as "teen" when in fact its pronounced "tain" just like rain. somebody on another forum i go to, emailed the folks at TEIN about the correct pronunciation of it and thats what they told him. :)
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That was me. They told me 'Tein, as in ocTANE'

And here's some other info on how to pronounce stuff:

Incorrect Term: 5Zigen ("five-zigg-in" or "five-zij-in")
Correct Term: 5Zigen ("five-zee-gen")

Although not necessarily an automotive term, we have noticed confusion when it comes to pronouncing the name of this Japanese company. Even though the English tongue is much lazier than the Japanese tongue, we can still pronounce "5Zigen" with a fair degree of authenticity. Simply say, "Five-zee-gen" with a hard G, like in "goat".

Know what else? You may have seen 5Zigen also being called "GoZigen". This is because one Japanese word for five is "go" and is pronounced just like the English verb "go". So if you want to sound like you really know your Japanese, say it "go-zee-gen". You'll sound more cultured than a yogurt factory. If you're looking for the literal translation, Zigen is dimension. Put it all together and you get the 5th dimension.

Incorrect Term: Mugen ("mew-gen" or "mew-jen")
Correct Term: Mugen ("moo-gen" with a hard G)

This is yet another Japanese company whose name is massacred on a daily basis by us ignorant Americans. If you'll remember back to GoZigen for your first Japanese lesson, we'll note that the "G" is always a hard G, like in "goat". Also, Japanese doesn't have a syllable with the "mew" sound, just "moo". In actuality, "moo" would be an bastardization of this Japanese syllable, as the U in "Mu" is devoiced and sounds something like "meuh".



Source Will: https://hondaswap.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=48621