The Ban Game.

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Banned because I got it, I just didn't find it comment worthy, heh heh. :p
ban for getting violent...HS is a peacekeeping site,we love eachother,and never want to harm one another!!:ghey:
banned for being on HS when you could be contributing to the good of humanity
Banned for:

WOW all that for Mexican street racing? Dayum must be crazy down there. I'm in Texas just north of the border I'll be going down there for some body work and to get a paintjob I hear you can find shops that will do an oem quality job for ~$400
ban because we can't change what we are :) and i wouldnt want to anyway
ban for all the 'you're doing it wrong' imgs that came to mind when i read your post.
ban for having your doing it wrong images...


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