the tornado

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ive heard about it from some people i know. now i see it on e-bay.

Its called the tornado, from what i understand in goes into your intake, sucks up more air, and saves you upto 25% gas mileage. and gives you 5-20hp boost, or something of that nature. its a 40-50$$ device, too.

it sounds like bullshit to me. if anyone else heard about this majigor, or actually has experiences with it, hit up this post and tell me about it.

heres a page that praises the product.
The Tornado is Defenatly garbage. My retarded friend (he is the youngest and most stupied of the group) bought one of them and it had do effect on his car. In fact I think it slowed it down. Do not!! I repeat! Do not buy that shit!!!
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