This is screwed up.. Read this.

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I stopped reading after I read this....

The thing that really makes me feel much better about this is they died doing what they loved to do -- they were drinking, they were going fast and they were together," Lorie Flaherty said. "It gives me comfort, it does, to know those three things."

Too bad she didn't die too. darwinism prevailed on this one.
well in reality any of us should be so lucky to die doing something we love. I can think of no better way to go out then driving my car on the strip. Its not wrong for her to say that. the drinking part was dumb but oh well. she is family she can say whatever she wants about it.
they werent on the track. they were on the street where they could have killed you, your mom, your dad, your daughter/son or any other innocent person. thats the difference.
okay thats not what he was saying though. he strictly pointed out what the sister said about him doing what he loved. No one that wasn't in the car got hurt. sorry for sharing my opinion. I'm not saying I agree with going 100 mph down the street but people do it all the time, they crashed. at least no one got hurt.
LUCKILY no one else got hurt, but easily could have. if i loved walking down the streets and killing innocent people and got killed by the cops, it would be ok cause i died doing what i loved right?
i was relieved to see that someone else in the article's comments mentioned 'The Onion' as more than once i wondered if this was somehow an onion rip :squint:

good gawd.
I can't understand why anyone would think that 100mph is smart on that section of McCaslin. Its only 35mph and there are several small hills there. Add to that the fact that we've had snow on and off for a couple weeks now so there are still a lot of icy areas once the sun goes down.

There were pictures on most of the local news sites after it happened and really the only way you could tell it was a subaru was by the wheels. I read something that said the car was basically ripped into three different sections and the motor was ripped out of the car went entirely through the intersection and landed in some grass.
we had some guys die here in Tally prolly about a year ago. It was all over (local forum) and alot were morning the loss. BUT. they were morning like they didnt deserve it,like they were good kids who never did anything wrong.

They were speeding down a long busy rd in town only hours after after it rained,which is worse than when its raining IMO. anyway, the story says they turned onto a rd and lost control and hit a man in city company vehicle. The people nearby stated that they heard 3 shifts AFTER the turn which means they were already in either 4th or 5 when they hit the guy.
passenger died on the way to the hospital. They driver died on impact. HOW you might ask? He was shoved UNDER his seat. what kind of car? HOnda crx. thats right imagine having your body shoved under the seat. Some ignorant thought it was cool to put a honda logo in his casket to show how much he loved honda.whatever.

The victim was a the father of a Tallyimports member also. She says it looks like he went acouple rounds with mike tyson.

Do i have pity for those kids? NO. i'm not going to mourn your loss. you suck and endangered people and you deserve to die if you do. They did so they deserved it. end of story.

philyphreak if you can't think of a better way to die than on the strip that you are almost just as ignorant as dying with a honda logo. Wise up. Let me give you a better way to die than on the about old with your wife and seeing your grandchildren grow. How about that? Not "ohh i like to race so i wanna die like that" Not even the professional drivers who do it better than anyone what to go out like that. Yiou think dale earnhart would have said,''yeah if i die i wanna die racing so all my fans including family can see me crash into a wall and totaly demolish my beyond recognition.

It's your life, do whatever you want with it but thinking its logical to put lives at risk and say its ok only when poeple dont get hurt is ignorant.

fuck that.

and for the that lorie lady i wanna see the same reaction when someone runs a dearly beloved of hers. fucking people.

''well they died loving what they do best. Sorry your mom got ran over but at least my kids died happy.'' yeahhhh
The people nearby stated that they heard 3 shifts AFTER the turn which means they were already in either 4th or 5 when they hit the guy.
passenger died on the way to the hospital. They driver died on impact. HOW you might ask? He was shoved UNDER his seat. what kind of car? HOnda crx. thats right imagine having your body shoved under the seat.
:huh: man, can't hardly fit a phone book under there. eeew.
yeah i heard it was gross. i dont think they were over 21. They were hauling around the corner when they lost control.
we had some guys die here in Tally prolly about a year ago. It was all over (local forum) and alot were morning the loss. BUT. they were morning like they didnt deserve it,like they were good kids who never did anything wrong.

They were speeding down a long busy rd in town only hours after after it rained,which is worse than when its raining IMO. anyway, the story says they turned onto a rd and lost control and hit a man in city company vehicle. The people nearby stated that they heard 3 shifts AFTER the turn which means they were already in either 4th or 5 when they hit the guy.
passenger died on the way to the hospital. They driver died on impact. HOW you might ask? He was shoved UNDER his seat. what kind of car? HOnda crx. thats right imagine having your body shoved under the seat. Some ignorant thought it was cool to put a honda logo in his casket to show how much he loved honda.whatever.

The victim was a the father of a Tallyimports member also. She says it looks like he went acouple rounds with mike tyson.

Do i have pity for those kids? NO. i'm not going to mourn your loss. you suck and endangered people and you deserve to die if you do. They did so they deserved it. end of story.

philyphreak if you can't think of a better way to die than on the strip that you are almost just as ignorant as dying with a honda logo. Wise up. Let me give you a better way to die than on the about old with your wife and seeing your grandchildren grow. How about that? Not "ohh i like to race so i wanna die like that" Not even the professional drivers who do it better than anyone what to go out like that. Yiou think dale earnhart would have said,''yeah if i die i wanna die racing so all my fans including family can see me crash into a wall and totaly demolish my beyond recognition.

It's your life, do whatever you want with it but thinking its logical to put lives at risk and say its ok only when poeple dont get hurt is ignorant.

fuck that.

and for the that lorie lady i wanna see the same reaction when someone runs a dearly beloved of hers. fucking people.

''well they died loving what they do best. Sorry your mom got ran over but at least my kids died happy.'' yeahhhh
exactly my point