trouble with firefox

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well on my new laptop everything works fine except when i try to watch videos online that use Media Player. it will load quicktime videos but on sights like entensity it jsut sayd to click to download plugin. when i click on it it tries to search for a plugin and can't find it.

has anyone else had this problem? could it be a problem with the latest release of firefox maybe?
its quicktime being gay.

un-install quicktime in add/remove programs.

get quciktime alternatnive from

works every time.
It's never the fault of Firefox. Even though Firefox can't display the Blogs on this site properly.

I'm sure it's not Mozilla. No, Mozilla is a carefully written piece of software :)
im with B. its quicktime. the quicktime alternative fixed it.
Quoted post[/post]]
It's never the fault of Firefox. Even though Firefox can't display the Blogs on this site properly.

I'm sure it's not Mozilla. No, Mozilla is a carefully written piece of software :)

it must be just your mozilla or firefox, becuase mine renders the blogs 100% fine