vtec in....power out

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Junior Member
first of all i want to thank the ppl that helped me out with my ecu code 22 the wires werent connected. but now sadly i have come across another problem my car hits VTEC but.... its slow and rev and rev and it sounds like something is clogged somewhere i dont know if anybody has had this prob before its rare but what do you think it might be? usually at 4000rpm and above
oil pressure??
my car was hesitating...i checked the oil ...needed a qt.....
more info is still needed
by bad guys lets let b16 w/type r manifold, dc headers, pr3 ecu oh yeah and i recently cleaned the vtec solenoid little filter and this was this rubber thing on it and it was ripped i just took it off i hope it does do anything but yeah...any help would be appreciated the motor is on a rex