wally world...

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Almost every major media outlet was covering this site yesterday. It took a few hours of my trying off and on to actually get to check it out. Its even better than mullet hunter too haha.
definitely gotta keep my eyes open next time i go to Wallyworld
finally a thread for this pic. I snapped this one in Logan, Ohio. I then proceeded to vomit.
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double0si you had best send that in son.
NVM. I'm going with headline "No life preserver necessary." tagline "In the event of a water emergency, this ass may be used as a floatation device."
I dont know if they get back to you or how long it takes but I've yet to hear anything from them. And its not up :(
I guess people don't know the delay there is from submitting to approval. People are wondering why she would wear that in 40* weather, I'm still wondering why she'd wear it at all. Honestly with the lapse in time I gave up on it being put up.