What whould you do...

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Fuck her, then idb, then donkey punch, then dirty sanchez, and then phdts
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You're kidding right?

You can't figure out that the best thing to do is keep your mouth shut and not whine and bitch like a girl? Obviously she's not worth it and he's not either if he cannot respect your feelings. If he was too stupid to know, then its hard to blame him but I would never play in a friend's territory - its just not nice.

p.s. this is comical because of all your hardass comments that you always make. I'm not saying that we don't all get down, because we do but its just ironic to see you post something like this. Do what you always do online, play hardass, blow it off, and don't worry about it.
this coming from the guy who was in tears over giving veal parm to a vegan
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You're kidding right?

You can't figure out that the best thing to do is keep your mouth shut and not whine and bitch like a girl? Obviously she's not worth it and he's not either if he cannot respect your feelings. If he was too stupid to know, then its hard to blame him but I would never play in a friend's territory - its just not nice.

p.s. this is comical because of all your hardass comments that you always make. I'm not saying that we don't all get down, because we do but its just ironic to see you post something like this. Do what you always do online, play hardass, blow it off, and don't worry about it.
this coming from the guy who was in tears over giving veal parm to a vegan

"I'm not saying that we don't all get down, because we do but its just ironic to see you post something like this."

Once again, you've tripped acid one too many times.

I wasn't in tears, but I did post about it. Clearly we all have emotions and different triggers and its funny and ironic to see them. I didn't say I was excluded from humanity and didn't have the same emotions, but as always you fail to understand.

You are t3h so intelligent!@$ What do you do with your life?
So, it turns out HE lied to me about the story, about 4-5 other people said he instigated everything, including one guy who was on my couch when I went to bed, when they went to bed, and when I went in there.
Oh I already assumed he did.

Shouldn't change anything besides how much of a scum bag he is.
I figured he did, but I wanted proof first. Looking for new places this week. Fuck him, I want to see him totally fucked when there is NOTHING in this place, since his cheap ass didn't buy shit.
Thanks to E, who might be the only person on this site more fucked up then me, I got a little revenge, more to come...If you want to know what I did, AIM him :)
I did revenge for hire once, and I was very good at it. Some highlights:

1: her friends played poker every week. In the dining room. Sometimes the smoke or heat would get too much and they would turn on the ceiling fan. Pepper on the fan blades.

2: She never used her front door, only for jehovahs witnesses, police and her parents. Good, because she wouldn't notice the panties I stole out her drawer and hung from her Cross on her front door until she got either, Jehovah's witnesses, Police or her Parents at the door.

3: Wireless door bell. It clips right off the mount outside. Brought it inside and stuffed it in her favorite seat on the couch. (Ah... about to watch the Gilmore girls.. <ding dong> Oh dammit who is here now ?!)

4: Lamp on a timer, A/C right next to it. Now the A/C turns on in the daytime and turns off before she gets home. It's winter.

5: Digital thermostat. Has a built in timer program, and it works it's ass off to fight the A/C from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

6: PAM on the hardwood floors and staircase.

7: Push her new grille to the sidewalk and put a sign on it that said free.

8: Adjust all lightbulbs in the house to be barely contacted. When the neighbor upstairs walks around, lights flicker.

All sorts of neat stuff to make someone's life miserable. The stuff like this is just the kind of stuff that will last for weeks (Or a billing cycle as her A/C / Heater thing did)

-> Steve