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I get what you're saying Jeffie. It's not a point of whether or not there are ways to do it, but why you have to go to such great lengths. They probably didn't bother working in backwards comparability because most of their customers "just have to have the latest everything!" anyway.
Most everyone that uses a Mac says.

I like mac because they just work.

Apple should trade mark it.

Apples just work*

*by working, we mean you will have to pay for upgrades or your product in fact wont work.
If you hate the mac so much why dont you sell it to someone and use the money to buy a new pc? You will be able to use your new ipod and you will rid yourself of the aggrivation that it is causing you.
Ok then transfer the music to the pc, sell the mac and use the money for something else.

I highly doubt it's worth anything. She wanted her itunes and I will not install itunes on my workstation PC, and I don't want to install it on the porn box so we just gave in and spent $80 for a 2GB mp3 player.

She'll be happy to have her mp3 player back and Apple will be happy that yet another sucker paid up to get something we should have already had in the first place.
ill give you $125 shipped for the macbook jeffie.
Funny, Zune never gave me any problems when updating the program. Not even when I upgraded my OS. lol
i'll send you a big fucking hammer for free if you post a video of you smashing the damned macbook

then, you can post the vid on your mac forums and watch the crowds go wild.