will HF crx axels work with DX civic?

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my friend has a hf crx that he recently swapped a B18 into, which left him with axels that are in good condition. my dx hatchback has POS axels and i was wondering if they would swap without any problems. i used to have no doubts until i was wondering this: he has to change hubs and axels to get the b18 to fit, but on a dx civic he said i wouldnt need to change hubs because mine are bigger and could accomidate the LS axels. so, if my hubs are bigger, how would his smaller axels fit? i hope they will because im getting em for 25 bucks a piece as opposed to 150 brand new.

also, i might be buying a d16 tranny just to hold me over until i swap because my current tranny is grinding, and i had some questions about that, the tranny i might buy has been sitting in a shop for about 6 months and im not sure about how clean it is, how could i clean it without damaging it, and i heard honda trannies get the engine oil circulated through them, so i dont have to worry about tranny fluid or nothing, would i just bolt it up then change my oil and everything would be luibricate?

sorry for askin dumb questions. ima newbie.
1. no the axles wont work.
2. you can just swap the trannies.
3. i heard honda trannies get the engine oil circulated through them, so i dont have to worry about tranny fluid or nothing

this is one of the dumbest things i have ever heard in my entire life, but i know it's not your fault.
1. thanks for your help (i think)
2. next time you feel like callin someone stupid, dont do it on a help forum asshole, suck my dick. sorry im not a know it all like you. (i know its not your fault)
lol im calm, it just pisses me off when i come here to learn, and ask questions because i dont know it all, and i end up getting flamed. i found this post, kinda shows how i feel.

Man I can't wait to get kicked off this site, Pissoffsol, you seem to think you know everything but after seeing all the crap you have done and all the stuff you say, its obvious you just beleive about everything you hear and change your mind all the time, luckily for you there are a lot of followers on this site who are as dumb as you so they beleive everything you say and worship you, it sure is a shame you can't use this site to actually help people when they ask a question, all you do is dawg everyone when all they need is a little help, and you're always picking on kids just becuase they add something they think looks nice to there car, well thats just stupid, each person should do his own thing, it they like making there car look nice why does that make them any less of a man than you. I don't want to sound like a dick but everyone has to start somewhere and so it just pisses me off to see the people who are just trying to learn more get put down by you people who think you know everything, cars are about fun, or atleast they are to me, I don't see why you can't just help when they ask a question, instead of mocking people who are trying to learn more so they can understand more about cars. I apologize for being rude but this whole web site everyone just seems to pick on people just to try and show they know more than everyone else which doesn't help anyone, and most of the stuff on this site is just opinions, not facts. Let the racers be racers, and the ricers be ricers, and when one asks the other a question, try and help them learn rather than degrade them for seeking more info from people who have more knowledge on the subject! Peace out!
1. i answered your question.
2. i didn't say anything near you being stupid, so don't take it like that. i actually cleared you of fault because you were provided misinformation. and you weren't even close to being flamed.
3. you can't help but find it funny. in 6 months you to will look back and be like damn, that is funny.
ok its funny.. haha.. now if youd just clearify my tranny question a little bit more i promise ill laugh at myself and help you flame me. gogo.
the tranny is a direct swap. it would take too long to do a step by step guide here online. i suggest a helms manual because that is what the dealership uses and will give you far and away the best info. all d series trannies are interchangable. if you must have a new tranny i suggest not paying over $150-$200 for one. (correct me if anybody can get them cheaper including shipping.) you will need to drain it thoroughly and refill it with transmission fluid. then you are good to go.
hehe i know all d series trannies are interchangable, what i was askin about was the fact that its been sitting uncovered in a dirty ass shop for months on end, i dunno if something fell into it or what, how could i be sure it was clean before i bolted it up. it is already drained, as it has not had any fluid in it for quite some time, and was this kid right when he told me all i have to do is bolt it up and add some oil to my engine, seeing as "the tranny gets engine oil ran through it" according to him.
you could either take it apart like you are rebuilding it and check the gears. or you could fill it with transmission oil and hook up your linkage and test it to see if the gears are smooth. you can do all that before you swap the tranny.
k, and again with this transmission oil bullshit, ive never dealt with trannies before so i dont know about their liquids and whatnot... explain plz. :unsure:
you can get transmission oil from places like autozone. the plain old valvoline is fine. it is different from regular engine oil. there is a bolt on the side of the tranny that you unscrew and put in the tranny fluid. you will need to check the specs because i don't know the exact amount needed for each tranny. if you are paranoid about stuff being in the tranny, fill it up with tranny fluid and then drain it. and check the fluid for anything that looks foreign.
the engine oil DOES NOT flow through the tranny WTF? there is a plug on the side

of the tranny, remove that and fill the tranny until it starts to pour out the hole

then put the bolt back in. as for the gear oil, you can put all gear oil (like 10w- 90)

or all motor oil. i personally like to mix the two. a d series tranny takes about 3

quarts of oil.
hehe well thats pretty much engine oil, i use 10 w 30 for everything :\ but now im confused, ill just go to autozone and make them do the work for me.
ok, you can use engine oil in the tranny. but since they make oil specially just for transmissions, wouldn't you want to use that. i think that is considered doing the job right.
yes i planned on getting tranny oil anyway. what do you mean by "gear oil" wtf theres 2 diff typed of oil in the tranny?
Ryan, your stupid. My dads shop isnt dirty, ITS A MOTHERFUCKING BODY SHOP, NOT MR. CLEANS HOUSE! And second, Brandon said that transmission oil is put in the tranny and that gets circulated in the tranny to lubricate the gears. And yes, I did drain the tranny and ive cleaned it, but since youre being quite the bitch, I think E-BAY will see my transmission instead, but if your that desperate the price is now $150. Take it or leave it. :fuckyou3: