Windows Vista

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Hell yes I love me my xp pro 64
i've done some fucked up shit and it just wont run bad code. its stable too omg.
So basically, everyone is just intimidated by Vista.
Vista is a pain in the ass. To a power user that just wants to get things done, it's not coperative in the least. Second, it's a resource hog. Third, they reused code, and flaws that exsisted in xp, exsist in vista as well. it was a rushed release. They pushed the date back, and hurried a launch, and it hasn't been good. Maybe we will see some service packs change some things, hopefully fix the bugs, but I still doubt it's going to help the fact that it's just an annoying resource hog.
how would i be intimidated by vista. it takes 4 hours to turn all the useless stock bullshit off....and that goddamn uac iiiiiooaaoppoopopopaspoosaosososso i hate it. easy to turn off but the people i work with have no idea so im constantly showing customers easy shit like that.
oh and that bull shit to right click cmd and run as admin...z0mg
oh but the good thing is that little "run/search" bar thing at the bottom of the start menu...i like that. in fact my xp at home has it now kind of.
oh and vista updates breaking software WTF!?
legal. gimme sticker now. i put on my ri(a)ce car. make verry fast!

but sad part it will be 99.9% legal....
well if you dont like vista, too bad. windows 7 will be based on vista and server 2008.

and dont want to sound like a douche, but f**kcing get over it. its been out for a year and if you don't like it just dont use it. as for your dumb ass co-workers, tell them to go dildo themselves. also, in general, customers are dumb shits too; welcome to reital. if you dont like to deal with their lack of computer literacy, find a new occupation.

the vista is "teh ghey" or "p.o.s." line has been used for over a year know. yes its a resource hog, but so was windows xp when it first came out. ram and cpu power are so cheap now adays that there is no excuse for you running less than 1GB anyway, unless you're either too cheap, too broke or dont care about computers.

and fyi, im running xp and plan to do so until windows 7 comes out and build a new computer. im just tired of people bashing vista. everyone know it's "teh suxor."
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I'm glad to say I've been error free for nearly a week!
I'm glad to say I've been error free for nearly a week!
I'm glad to say I've been error free for nearly a week!
I'm glad to say I've been error free for nearly a week!
I'm glad to say I've been error free for nearly a week!

Seriously though I like Vista but I can't do my programming in Vista because it doesn't support my programming software. Because of that I have my desktop dual boot XP and Vista. Whenever I feel like programming I switch over to XP. Vista hasn't given me any problems and runs smooth but I'm running a 3.6ghz AMD with 2gb of ram and an ATI video card with 1gb ram.
Can't afford to upgrade to Vista, and my pathetic laptop would not be able to handle it.
I think a lot of people get hung up over OS's. Vista is never going to satisfy a Gentoo user. Someone that wants to just check e-mail and look at porn are going to be happy with whatever OS will get it done. Microsoft is not shooting for the hardcore end user. Neither is Apple. If someone is using Vista and they hate it well it's your fault. Get a linux or unix distro, or "downgrade" to another OS.
Someone that wants to just check e-mail and look at porn are going to be happy with whatever OS will get it done.

is my gripe, I don't feel like waiting 10 minutes for the computer to boot and load explorer.

I use Linux Mint on my laptop. In 4 minutes I can boot it and open firefox. Not to mention all of the extra visual effects are turned on. So with all the extra fun stuff vista gives, why does it take so long to boot? My fiances laptop has 1gb of ram to take 10 minutes of boot time.

We can't use it at work either, it won't run our applications. We had to roll back to xp.
your right. that's it. thanks to an unstable power grid and an un-adaquate battery backup. a power outage killed that streak and my battery backup only held me up for 45 more minutes.

But you know what, I've been error free. Even now. See that original install date? Well that's still valid. I installed it on 8/10/06. Most other windows verisions are FUBAR by now and need reinstalled.

But all in all, like that popular internet song, "Every OS Sucks".
u wont get any virus' or errors if ur smart a*s doesn't press the ok button when the blocker comes up.
Im error free.
and u can install xp version software on vista if ur smart a*s knows how to use a computer