fail of the day - attempted plane bombing - Detroit

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We live in a police state and its going to get worse and worse with this stuff.

Its like V for Vendetta. Do we give up our freedoms for the survival of the masses? Fear mongering at its best from tragic terrorist actions and the media/man.

the media and the government absolutely LOVE this type of shit

the government gets to grab more and more of our rights and freedoms from us under the guise of making us safer... and the masses are eager to let them

the media gets ass tons of money and influence over our lives by keeping the masses afraid of their own shadow
the media and the government absolutely LOVE this type of shit

the government gets to grab more and more of our rights and freedoms from us under the guise of making us safer... and the masses are eager to let them

the media gets ass tons of money and influence over our lives by keeping the masses afraid of their own shadow

This statement is the long and the short of the issue. Just wait and see how bad it gets when they branch out and blow up a buss like Hamas does. Its only a matter of time.
About the air marshalls, E, they are on a lot of planes. They go in plain clothing, with a fake backstory and everything. They're also not allowed to be on a plane with someone they know while on duty.
Air marshels are on one percent of flights. It may be a little bit less even. I'll try and dig up the figures but it is an insanly small amount of flights that the marshels are on.
okay i heard somethin on the news last night about another failed attempt yesterday by another nigerian on the same flight... now i think its safe to say he wasnt the only one that was pissed off about somethin. Its the terrorists... Drake can you go from a llama hunter to a terrorist hunter?
the media and the government absolutely LOVE this type of shit

the government gets to grab more and more of our rights and freedoms from us under the guise of making us safer... and the masses are eager to let them

the media gets ass tons of money and influence over our lives by keeping the masses afraid of their own shadow
also, the government uses this shit to grab more of your tax dollars. but do you think they spend it on security. haha, not fucking likely. welcome to the misappropriation of tax dollars.

okay i heard somethin on the news last night about another failed attempt yesterday by another nigerian on the same flight... now i think its safe to say he wasnt the only one that was pissed off about somethin. Its the terrorists... Drake can you go from a llama hunter to a terrorist hunter?
how many times to we need to get fucked by nigeria before we blow up that fucking piece of shit called africa. that thing is a worthless pile of shit. except for lions and elephants of course. they e-mail scam old people, hijack ships, and kill americans who try and send relief aid. how fucking stupid can an entire continent be?

and B was thinking the same thing as me. too bad for Gitmo. fucking terrorists need to be sent there, tortured to fuck while video taped, and sent back to other countries. god damn american government is a bunch of pussies. all you fucking liberals out there that think it's wrong to torture war criminals/terrorists. just think how things would be different if we tortured then executed any accused terrorists.

it's worth it to kill 100 people who are NOT terrorists, if it prevents 1 from blowing up the WTC again.
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its only the north part of africa that is a complete wasteland, with the exception of egypt. the southern part of africa has a lot of regular nations that are fully functional and have no issues like the other regions.

i say we just go exterminate the problem countries and leave it at that.
no more starving children, no more aids infested regions, no more cruel and evil "presidents".
Too bad that'll never happen. That'd be too simple and far too cheap. It has to be more complicated and expensive, remember we are in America.
Dumbest post ever?

it's dumb if you have never been to war or lost somebody close to you because of terrorism.

do you think there has been 0 collateral damage in afghanistan? what about when we bombed japan. seems we didn't care too much about civilians back then. it's pretty close to the same thing in my eyes. it's collateral damage. if you belong to a nation that is killing innocent people and trying to blow up bombs, stay the fuck out of terrorist sites, blogs, etc.

like the guy who shot up ft. worth. as soon as they saw he was playing on those sites, he should have just been hung in a courtyard and had his burned body sprinkled over al qaeda land.
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I think the occasional terrorist bombing is good for the country.
You're speaking emotional nonsense about pre-crimes, that's one hell of a slippery slope.
I think the occasional terrorist bombing is good for the country.
You're speaking emotional nonsense about pre-crimes, that's one hell of a slippery slope.

you only say that because you're in alaska and nobody cares about alaska and you'll be fine as long as we don't piss off russia :p

jk about the nobody cares part lol
I think the occasional terrorist bombing is good for the country.

lets see if you are saying that when china invades alaska for it's oil. then you all will be whining about not enough government protection and intervention. and how we could have stopped it.

it's easy to criticise from a distance. it's easy when you are far away from tragedy. but imho, i would rather see us go crazy in catching and executing terrorists, than living in fear of them.

hell, it's not that hard. go online, find terrorists sites, track ips, arrest/execute frequent posters and anti-americans.
You must not have met the average Alaskan. We are all sitting on stockpiles of armaments waiting for the shit to hit the fan. I'm completely serious.
You cannot invade Alaska. There will be a rifle behind every bank of snow.

Americans get taken advantage of because they are stupid and lazy. And no, I'm not talking about the terrorists, I'm talking about our own government going on profiteering ventures abroad, creating a global policy that has turned the worlds largest organized religion against our entire nation. Were it not for our quest of global domination we could be reinvesting in our nations infrastructure to secure our economic viability in the future. We could be spending the money used to pay our mercenary army on actually educating our young people and producing the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs. Instead we are dumbing down society, producing a flock of sheeple that don't care that the govt. uses "terrorist attacks" to strip us of our rights.
Meanwhile, the average joe either has no power to influence his "representatives" or doesn't give a shit. I hope that America gets attacked so many times by "terrorists" that whenever a politician even suggests we meddle in another nations affairs, he is tarred and feathered. Unfortunately, as I said before, Americans are so dumb and lazy, they allow the opposite to happen. We need more troops! We need to stop the terrorists in THEIR country before they get here! Guess what, when WE are in THEIR country, WE are the terrorists. We play semantics so that we're always the good guys, but guess what, if any other country treated the US like we treat Iraq/Afghanistan, I'd be setting roadside bombs blowing motherfuckers up.
american government still misses the big picture. we spend $890 billion on healthcare, while terrorists are still blowing shit up. i firmly believe that we shouldn't be in places that don't want/need us there.

there isn't much incentive to having tens of thousands of troops in japan, korea, italy, germany, etc. our military is too stretched out. it should be used for homeland defense, not saving the world. do you see sweden trying to save africa? fuck no, are you kidding me. we have nominated ourselves as the big brother protectors of the world, now we can't get out. ugh
You must not have met the average Alaskan. We are all sitting on stockpiles of armaments waiting for the shit to hit the fan. I'm completely serious.
You cannot invade Alaska. There will be a rifle behind every bank of snow.


We could be spending the money used to pay our mercenary army on actually educating our young people and producing the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs. Instead we are dumbing down society, producing a flock of sheeple that don't care that the govt. uses "terrorist attacks" to strip us of our rights.


Guess what, when WE are in THEIR country, WE are the terrorists. We play semantics so that we're always the good guys, but guess what, if any other country treated the US like we treat Iraq/Afghanistan, I'd be setting roadside bombs blowing motherfuckers up.

x2, what he said, me too.

i firmly believe that we shouldn't be in places that don't want/need us there.

there isn't much incentive to having tens of thousands of troops in japan, korea, italy, germany, etc. our military is too stretched out. it should be used for homeland defense, not saving the world. do you see sweden trying to save africa? fuck no, are you kidding me. we have nominated ourselves as the big brother protectors of the world, now we can't get out. ugh

i hear "ron paul" chants in my head.