Medal of Honor *official thread*

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It's retarded to pull the name from the game, this is coming from a vet that has killed those fuckers, and seen friends killed by those fuckers. People in the middle east have been using US vs ME games since what, Delta Force? Maybe games before that ...who cares?

hey, i was in the military too. i think they should be able to use "taliban" also. however, i'm not very fond of people being able to intentionally play as a terrorist that wants to kill american forces. that being said, multi-player game play needs a "bad guy".

unfortunately, stuff like this 'Fallujah' game cancellation shows what's wrong with video game business | Games | Game Room | Macworld that could actually give insight to the real world out there, never makes it. it would be a great tool to show people and educate them on how things really are. it happens in movies all the time, think "band of brothers".
hey, i was in the military too. i think they should be able to use "taliban" also. however, i'm not very fond of people being able to intentionally play as a terrorist that wants to kill american forces. that being said, multi-player game play needs a "bad guy".

What about American kids that intentionally play as US forces because they want to pretend to kill the taliban?

unfortunately, stuff like this 'Fallujah' game cancellation shows what's wrong with video game business | Games | Game Room | Macworld that could actually give insight to the real world out there, never makes it. it would be a great tool to show people and educate them on how things really are. it happens in movies all the time, think "band of brothers".

That is rather unfortunate, I hope they find another publisher, I'd like to see how they did as far as a comparison to the real thing.
i just got done playing the open beta for PC..

basically if you have bad company 2, theres no reason to buy this game. it plays the exact same in my eyes.

luckily i dont have it... but i've really good things about it .. cant wait for the release
What about American kids that intentionally play as US forces because they want to pretend to kill the taliban?
it's an american game.

if afghanistan played with video games instead of rocks and sticks, i would expect them to play as the taliban and ban "u.s. army" in the title. well, not really. the u.s. is too full of liberal hippie pussies.
it's an american game.

That doesn't matter. What about American born, or immigrated middle eastern kids? Would it bother you if they wanted to play as Taliban to kill US forces, or as US Forces to kill Taliban? Or what about little American hating "white" kids from American hating liberla families? I just don't believe anyone should care how someone else is playing the game, it just doesn't matter. If they weren't playing this, they would do it in Battlefield, or DC, or Delta Force, or any of the other endless modern warfare games based on our recent ME conflicts.

if afghanistan played with video games instead of rocks and sticks, i would expect them to play as the taliban and ban "u.s. army" in the title. well, not really. the u.s. is too full of liberal hippie pussies.
They actually do have video games over there. Have you ever seen pictures of Afghanistan during the 40's and 50's? It was pretty much a picture of 40's and 50's middle class America.
luckily i dont have it... but i've really good things about it .. cant wait for the release

i will say that after playing this game a little further, they have improved in some areas. graphics are better overall.. and things seem to play more life-like.

lets just hope that dice is better about server maintenance with MoH than they were with BC2.
The reason for the change was that AAFES (px) was not going to carry it over that issue. It's all about money and ea wants to get that game into every market out there.

DING! And where do most military personnel buy their stuff? At the PX. So when they can't find it there they either don't buy it or get pissed and go off base and get it.

There was a debate going on while I was at Fort Benning here these past few weeks about it.. Dumbest thing to argue about in my opinion...

I could honestly care less, call it "OPFOR", which stands for opposing forces by the way Brutal lol, or call it Taliban, There will still be people that find it offensive, and there will be people that can realize its a VIDEO GAME and not give a shit, and buy it.
That doesn't matter. What about American born, or immigrated middle eastern kids? Would it bother you if they wanted to play as Taliban to kill US forces, or as US Forces to kill Taliban? Or what about little American hating "white" kids from American hating liberla families? I just don't believe anyone should care how someone else is playing the game, it just doesn't matter. If they weren't playing this, they would do it in Battlefield, or DC, or Delta Force, or any of the other endless modern warfare games based on our recent ME conflicts.
i should have elaborated more on this. i was simply saying that it's ok to play as the u.s. because it's "the home team". the nation of the manufacturer. lets not overcomplicate this. i dont' think they should need to change the name. but since people were HIGHLY offended, then ok. plus it's easy enough to do it. in a business sense, it was a smart decision. Medal of Honor doesn't lose anything, but they actually gain good PR by doing this. plus it gets them in the news for something good rather than, "medal of honor game protested by millions".
Going to head out and pick up my copy... yes call me a nerd or what you'd like but this is the first video game in a while I've been kinda pumped about lol... So, I figured its worth waiting until midnight to pick up.
i have a gift card i need to use up. i think i'm going to get this on thursday.
COD, and Battlefield Bad Company 1/2, can blow Medal of Honors balls, thats all I'm saying..

This game is ridiculously awesome, the graphics, sounds, and over all realism is dead on. Its definitely the best of both worlds ( COD/Batttlefield series)... The weapons work like real weapons would being that if you put a bullet in someones face, they don't get up, and if you get 2 or 3 well aimed shots to the gut, they are down for good. No emptying a whole mag of ammo to kill one person, even in non-hardcore. And the m203, it's about freakin time someone got this weapon right. It shoots like a real one, and kills like a real one too. If it lands, lets say, withing 5-6m of the enemy, they die, if it lands anywhere between 6-15m they feel it, but the damage it causes is all based off of how close they are to the explosion. Same goes for grenades, AT4/RPG-7, and yes, the "IED" lol...

And there are about 6 -7 different online modes to play, which is more than enough, and Hardcore bundles them all into one on a random rotation so you can get a little bit of everything.

Overall so far a very awesome game. I can't comment on the story yet because I want to get my sound system hooked back up so I can blast it.. ( We are in the middle of remodeling )
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I love how IGN is one person though... that's one persons ridiculously critical view on the game....

Oh well, I love the game personally and I definitely think it blows COD out of the water.
sounds like the game is jumpy and bland.

That's what I got from reading reviews too. Nobody seems to think that it sucked, but no one was blown away by it either. "Nothing new to the table" kind of thing. And apparently there's frame-rate issues and the multiplayer is kind of bland.

I'm not just going to go off the reviews entirely though. I'll probably rent it to see whether I like it enough to purchase. "Black Cops" though, I already have pre-ordered...
Yep.... I say something nice about the game, and then EA smites you....


period the end...
Yeah... The servers were down for about 4 hours today and now they are back up... hopefully EA can pull their head out of their ass and finally fix the server problems they've ALWAYS had...