droid > iphone

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at least HS members get it. :)


  • Mobile Devices - Google Analytics_1295767229240.png
    Mobile Devices - Google Analytics_1295767229240.png
    7.7 KB · Views: 223
'visits' are unique sessions, not page views. I sincerely doubt you alone account for but a tiny part of that pie. :)
I know. I re-visit the page ALL DAMN DAY. lol I know Im not a huge portion, but i put my share in. I'm on my phone more than my PC.
You should make a poll instead. I don't use my phone to visit this site at all or any more forums unless I'm selling something on it (Android)

Drunk, and listening to Pink Floyd-Comfortably Numb. :)
Droid2 here.. rarely use the computer ne more
oh but you see that is unfair!!!!!! Iphone is most likely only two phones.

Iphone 3Gs and Iphone4

The droids are like 20 phones!!!!!

wah wah wah Iphone clearly wins.
not technically posting from my phone but since my att uverse is down i'm tethering from my Droid X i'm impressed with the speed not bad at all
oh but you see that is unfair!!!!!! Iphone is most likely only two phones.

Iphone 3Gs and Iphone4

The droids are like 20 phones!!!!!

wah wah wah Iphone clearly wins.

Well, if the iPhones are soo cool, that would mean more ppl would have them, which would cancel out the fact that Android is on more phones.

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I don't know if this site supports it but there's Tapatalk for forums.
Is there a mobile app for the site?


There's a few options out there, and I'm leaning towards one that isn't tapatalk, but it's still got issues and there are MASSIVE security concerns involved. Basically, I can't see a line of the code (it's complied like a dll into run time) and have to just trust that they are using the database for good purposes.

Then, there's the money factor. It's either I pay a $2000 a year, or you each pay $3 a download. Obviously, i don't want to pay that sum, but forcing others to pay for an app is nothing something I want to do either.


It's a god damned website. Go to websites in a fucking browser like you are supposed to. Why re-code the thing in 2 more additioanl languages (droid and iphone are not coded in the same language) so that there are 3 code bases to maintain?


Sorry, but I just don't get it. You're either too lazy to type/find a book mark, or you can't navigate the site? it loads fine on my droid with both ie, opera, and the dolphin browser. Don't want to eat b/w? use the barebones mobile version at hondaswap.mobi

want an icon to make it look like an app? Save a shortcut to the domain as an icon. done.

a Website is NOT an application, and until going to hondaswap.com prompts you to download hondaswap.msi or hondaswap.exe so you can install the website on to your desktop and all that good stuff instead of just opening ie/firefox/whatever.....

sounds absurd, right? so are apps that are websites, apped.
Thank You. Anytime I see mobile site I click CANCEL! I have a smart phone for a reason I want to see full blown websites the way they were meant to be seen.

Open web browser and go.

I give you the option. If you know the .mobi addy, you can go there directly, or you can use the style changer at the bottom of the page. I don't detect nor force you to do anything.
lol, i hate mobile sites.

and i hated using the ipod touch for internet.
just bought a droid phone this weekend, i'm hoping i can get it to play via the usb in my car radio and i can ditch my touch. we'll see.

and i never understood the whole app thing much either, i just use the browser for everything.
Sorry I didn't mean to hit a nerve. I was just wondering if you were getting the droid vs iphone comparison from people who used an app or if you could track the people who just view the site from their browser.